The New and Living Way Church, Ikorodu.

Meeting: Sunday Service

Date: 27th June, 2021

Minister: Pastor Laide Olaniyan

1st Tongues and Interpretation

I am coming to bring many hearts under the authority of Christ.

For indeed my authority will bring heart, many hearts will come under, for even as I bring, I will give sight to heart.

Many hearts will come into light and understanding of truth.

Many will even come into the understanding of truth.

I bring many many souls, under the law of Christ.

Message Begins

It’s become imperative for us to look again at a topic that seems so common, so replete in our society that one wonders why we ought to look again at the basic fabrics. There is severe warfare in the spirit against all things God, for this purpose, we need to bring to remembrance again some of these things that we know just like Peter did (2 Peter 1:12) for the sake of generation yet unborn, and for understanding clearly the boundaries of truth. 

It is pertinent that we reiterate some things so that there is no ambiguity of whatsoever form (Luke 1:1-4). There are things most assuredly believed amongst us that form the canon of our walk that must be well understood and grasped by every single person. None amongst us should dilly dally or question certain landmarks amidst us because of having had a solid understanding of the things most assuredly believed amongst us. 

Last week, we saw the origin of marriage and how that marriage is one of the oldest institutions to man and is not a concept that man generated. It was never man’s idea but God’s.

 Man in his estate, research and civilization has tried to push the frontiers of knowledge by questioning things that are existent but without recourse to the thoughts of the Person that founded the institution in the first place. Satan who is the chief of rebellion uses that against God, to attack God and the eternal boundaries and everlasting structures that God has set in place. That quest for wisdom has turned men to be foolish such that the things they call brightness have turned to blindness. In a bid to push the boundaries of civilization also, the boundaries of an eternal estate such as marriage are also being pushed, and we now see in our society open warfare with such a spirit as LGBTQ and sexual pervasions expanding.

We must understand the depth and the veracity of assault and the pace at which these things are going. The only thing keeping Nigeria now is the church and knowledge of light. We feel that some of those things are far away but the battle has been brought to our doorstep and some of it has already overtaken us without our awareness. If God didn’t lead us, we would have been caught in a web of mischief from Satan without knowing. It is no misplacement of priority that the Lord through Pastor Emeka Egwuchukwu, the lead pastor of our church, is demanding that we look at these things again because we are in warfare.


(Genesis 2:7; Genesis 18-25) Nature in its purest expression without the alteration of sin is everlasting. It was set in motion by everlasting laws. Rev Kay taught in WTV (Writing the Vision) last week that the verdict of God after He had made all things, was that He saw it and said it was good. He made man and saw that man was very good (James 1:17). Nature in its purest expression is good and perfect the way it is. The only shortcoming is that it is yet to inherit the fullest expression of God, but it is good the way it is. That is why one of the depravities of men is to go against nature.

If you read the last 5 chapters of the book of Job up until the penultimate chapter, God said He was the one that set the elements and boundaries of the sea of creation (Job 38:4). Those things are deliberate attempts of a creator not by happenstance. They are deliberate precision and not the big bang. They are the work of a creator, and when man begins to push some things, they are not against creatures but against the Person that set those bounds. One of the major thrusts of LGBT is to attack everything natural. Many of the discoveries comes from spirits. Some have said that people were born with such traits but God that made man, in the beginning, said it was not so.

Andrew Womack said when he would deliver people with gay and lesbian spirits, they come under attack from people and would get them arrested for proselyting them. They know that appetite is fueled by a demon but will not allow them to be delivered. These things are gene mutations by the influence of a fallen spirit. People might say we are overstretching religion when we talk like this. LGBTQ is a spirit, it is not natural. There is nothing holy or righteous about LGBTQ. Everything about it is evil – it is a godless beast.

A. It is an attack on Marriage

Marriage is a union between the head and its body (1 Corinthians 11:3). In the eternal scheme of things, man is one entity. What God did is to separate the head from the body and then reunite them in marriage. What they are trying to do is create a monstrous generation (head + head or body + body) because we need the whole body for God to rest. 

The marriage institution represents the wholeness or oneness of the body that God wants (Ephesians 5:31; Genesis 2:24). That oneness cannot happen between a man and a man or between a woman and a woman or between a man/woman changing himself/herself to the opposite sex. Some are already even changing themselves into animals. Satan is pushing for a society that doesn’t see any relevance of marriage, a generation that is godless and beastly. 

(Psalm 82:1-5; Romans 1:21) One of the things Satan has pushed for in marriage is to weaken the foundations of the earth. What shifts the earth is not a movement of the tectonic plates but the shifting of the pillars of truth i.e ordinances that men should keep. These pillars of truth when broken and everlasting ordinances are perverted, the earth begins to shift and fall apart. Marriage is one of those everlasting ordinances. The measure of the fullness of cup of Sodom and Gomorrah can be seen by the presence of homosexuality and the likes. With Canaan, Sodom and Gomorrah perverted everlasting ordinances, created pervasions which were gene mutations against nature resulting in giants. Their cup was now fully ready for destruction. When Abraham was in that land, there were no giants yet because their cup wasn’t yet full until that which the Lord had said over His people came to pass (Genesis 15:13-16). The tamperings with those ordinances are measurements of the fullness of wrath that allows wrath to rest. A nation might not know God, yet their cup is not yet full. We see that with Abimelech when he didn’t touch Abraham and Isaac’s wives. They had not gotten into certain depths, but Sodom in the days of Lot burned with lusts against one another. There is no remedy for this kind. When people are given to this wholly, the probability of redemption is greatly altered (not saying impossible). Even God can give up on a people. So we see that LGBT is not ordinary but a calculated attack by Satan.

B. It is an attack on Homes

As basic as the home unit is, it is being used by God. (Psalm 128:1-4) There is something about this estate that God uses to preserve the earth and the knowledge of Himself. The home is not ordinary and it is important that married people jealously contend for the home and fight for its continuity. Even after getting married, Satan still fights the home and hopes to get them divorced. That’s why God hates putting away (Malachi 2:14-17). The scattering of the home destroys the basic fabric of society. 

(Malachi 2:14-15) It is only the man and a woman that can become one. They typify the mystery of Christ and the church. The essence of one is because God is seeking a godly seed. It is not every couple that becomes one. The end product of marriage is to become one and then the end product of one is to get a godly seed. It is impossible to get godly seed if you have not guarded the home or have not laboured to become one. Satan doesn’t want godliness to be found upon the earth. The home, as basic as it is, is the ground wherein godly seed can grow. God cannot grow it anywhere else but in the home. If there is no earth for a seed to fall and die, it will not grow. God is jealous over the home because this is where He can create the godly seed that He is seeking. This is not to say that those who do not marry cannot beget godly seed. If it is done according to the ordinance of God, He knows how to fashion it for them but what is written as an everlasting ordinance is the home. 

(Genesis 18:19) The ways of God can be obscured from the earth. Even in the days when marriages were present on earth because of the pervasion of the children of Israel, a generation arose that did not know anything about the ordinance of God and what He did in Egypt. The baton for passing transgenerational knowledge of God is found in the home. (2 Timothy 1:5) A faith was found in Timothy that was first found in his mother and grandmother. Satan wants to cut this short. He doesn’t want the knowledge of God to be transferred from generation to generation. Abraham had a walk with God that many generations after him could not go out of the way.

God first gave Abraham a promise, then covenant, then oath. We can walk with God so much that we come into oath such that generations later cannot depart because of what their fathers have handled. The church can only bless a present generation by speaking of truth and planting of seed in them. But through the home, a thing can go as far as 10 generations or forever depending on how effectively they handle it. David went as far as forever. The home is not ordinary, there are things that are being laid. Our parents might not have been able to leave us a legacy but the question is what would we leave for our children? Would we leave them with shaky feet or they would have legacies in truth that will secure them for generations to come?

Homosexual relationships cannot produce a home; and bringing adopted children into such relationship is destructive to the spiritual (emotional and physical) wellbeing of such a child. Lust has so destroyed some young people that they can hardly respond to God.

2nd Tongues and Interpretation

Fight! Fight!! Fight!!!

I say fight, fight to see that you keep the way of the Lord.

See that you fight through.

Contend for the soul, for the generation that is coming is a generation that will carry everlasting life.

You need to fight to preserve the way.

Fight to keep the way pure for the next generation.

They are the weakened generation as the world is saying but they are the generation that will fully inherit my life.

Even in their weakness, I am strength if you can keep the way for them.

Fight to keep the way pure, see that you contend to preserve this way.

In your conversation, preserve this way.

In your manner of life, preserve this way.

In your thought realm, preserve this way.

In everything that you do, see that you preserve this generation.

Fight and see that you contend for this generation even by your conduct of life.

3rd Tongues and Interpretation

I bring the spirit of jealousy even upon my work upon your soul.

A spirit that will be jealous upon what I am doing in your soul.

A spirit that will go dogged to see that they will preserve that which they are hearing.

To see that they preserve that which have been handed to them.

To see that they preserve and multiply what their fathers have handed to them.

Fathers have preserved this way for you, you also need to preserve the way.

You need to keep this way.

You need to keep and keep this way with so much jealousy.

I want you to be much more jealous for this everlasting life.

I bring a spirit of jealousy, an increased spirit of jealousy even over your atmosphere.

Watch your home.

Watch before you bring visitors, watch before you bring people.

Your home is not ordinary.

Wherever you are as a child, play your role as you ought to play it.

Wherever you are as a parent, play your role as you ought to play it.

Watch over the atmosphere of your house, do not just do things anyhow.

Don’t just do what you feel like doing, do what the spirit will lead you to do.

Do things with so much concentration for the spirit of jealousy is coming upon the house.

Message Continues 

(1 Peter 2:11) Fleshly lusts are skilled commandos to hack the soul into pieces such that it would not be membered. Some people struggle with pornography for years. It’s best one doesn’t even taste it at all. We don’t need our children exposed to these things at all. For them struggling with these things is a setback. God can help us by the mercies of Jehovah to shield them not out of fear but out of faith.

C. It is an attack on the Society/Nation

(Genesis 18:20-26; Genesis 19:1-8) After Abraham interceded with the Lord, the Lord could not as much as find five righteous within a whole society that wasn’t given to whoredom. The situation in Sodom was so severe that even Lot’s children later raped their father. Their thought process had been distorted. Actually, it was only one person (Lot) that God could witness was a righteous person. Even his wife loved Sodom so much that she turned back to look at the lustre (her life) perishing. There is a way pervasion turns your thinking. The daughters of Lot could have considered Abraham’s people but all they could think was to sleep with their father. The seeds (Amon and Moab) of these two women later raised warfare against Israel and this is where Balaam came from. This is what pervasion can produce. This pervasion raised Lot against Abraham. These things are not ordinary and we cannot look at them trivially. Their argument is they are not harming anyone because it’s their body but the truth is they’re altering the heavens over us.

This pervasion is merciless. To a degree, this was also practised in Egypt. The mixed multitude from there taught them even before the Moabites. When they went to Egypt initially, you know Egypt is like a world power, and nations flew into it and with them, their own power and gods. Egypt did not take Israel captive, it was the leading of God that took them there but at that time their iniquity was not yet full. For America, we are not waiting for judgement, we’re praying for redemption. But a nation’s cup of iniquity can be full.

D. It is an attack on the Church

(1 Timothy 3:15) Civilizations have come and gone and with every civilization what characterized the peak of their operation was homosexuality and beastiality, even with the Roman empire. The Roman empire boasted themselves to be free from all nations but became slaves to their own lust and at that point judgement always comes. Every single civilization by the hit the zenith of prosperity, the end of it is that they give themselves to strange flesh, to filth and that civilization crumbles. The only thing preserving is the church and the word of God. It preserves a people from going bad, else Satan will have spread this knowledge across all nations, people and races and every man will be destroyed by God. There is something that truth does, and that is why this assault is not just against man, but also at what keeps them. 

They have tried to edit the Bible to relate with the new civilization. The world doesn’t have issues with Christianity as long as it can condone their lusts. The Bible says the church is the ground and the pillar of truth and as long as the church will continue to fight against this, this spirit will continue to fight against the church and everyone that is a holder of this truth.

If the church doesn’t find grace to stand, our children may not have a place to stay. This fight is not against flesh and blood but against the incursion of spirits into our airspace that wants to redefine man.

If we take Jesus out of the Bible, it becomes a history book. The Bible is purely Christocentric.