The New and Living Way Church, Ikorodu.

Meeting: Sunday Service

Sunday School:       Pervasion of Truth: The Errors of Homosexual Advocate

Date: 25th July, 2021

Minister: Pastor Laide Olaniyan & Bro Niyi

Sunday School

We’ve been looking at marriage relationships as ordained by God and what marriage is in the context of scriptures which is our only context. In the world today, we’ve seen other definitions of marriage and that is not the standard. We are looking at marriage relationships as ordained by God and how Satan is attacking them. By attacking marriages, he is not just against human beings but is creating an affront against God. He is making a statement to God when he does all those things.

In our last lesson, we learnt that LGBTQ+ and its variants are natural expressions of the old man. We have mentioned as seen in scriptures that the old man is flesh. There are some sins that are natural sins and some that are unnatural: LGBTQ is an unnatural sin. (2 Corinthians 4:4) Satan, from the teachings of our parents, is the god of this world. He is the prince of the power of this air; this air is like the heaven of the earth. This air is sort of like an authority and this is what Adam relinquished to Satan when he sinned in Genesis. This is what made Satan the god of this world even though God originally made Adam the god of this world. 

Satan controls this world and there are evil spirits that actually peddle these thoughts. This LGBTQ+ thought is not a natural thought because flesh can’t think of it naturally, and anytime we have thoughts around it, we must understand it is being peddled by wrong spirits. These wrong spirits are angels that fell with Satan.

Changing the Truth of God to a Lie

Today, we’ll be looking at lies that people have used to convince others that LGBTQ+ should be allowed. Some have even twisted scriptures to suit their arguments. (Jude 1:2-16) Scripture is trying to say that there are some men that look like they are part of us but are twisting scriptures to make people accept their lies.

One thing we must know is that someone holding the bible and bringing interpretation from it does not necessarily mean the person is correct. Evil spirits can give men wrong interpretations of scriptures. They can even disguise themselves in the form of angels and appear to people. We should not just hold on to something because someone interpreted it from the bible. 

We can use the bible to support many things. We can do many wrong things and use scripture to support it. We should be careful with using scriptures wrongly even amidst brethren. When we are reading scriptures, we must trust God for help and follow the guidelines our parents and pastors have set so we don’t err. We should not see what is outside what they are teaching. It is for our safety. This is because there are evil spirits (that have existed before Adam) that are higher than your growth. They have slain many strong men. They are wiser than us and can lead a man wrongly and one will think it is the Lord. Feeding on any preacher on the internet because they are speaking in tongues is not keeping one’s self. We must also be careful with the books we read. 

(1 Peter 5:2) We must understand that our pastors have oversight over us. There are things we pray and fast over that our pastors will not need to pray and fast about and that’s why we must trust their oversight. If we cannot agree with this, then we have a measure of pride in us. We need to give them an allowance to have oversight over us.

1a. The Lie Scripture does not condemn loving, responsible homosexual relationships. Therefore, gay men and lesbians should be accepted – just as they are – in Christian churches, and homosexual relationships should be celebrated and affirmed. This invariably implies that a marriage relationship can exist outside of male and female.

  • What they are saying here is once they are responsible, they love one another, don’t cheat and are gay, we should accept them.

1b. The Truth(Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:5; Ephesians 5:21) The Bible defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman. Jesus Christ upholds this definition of marriage in Matthew 19:5, as does the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 5:31. Any and all sexual activity which takes place outside of this divine arrangement is sin. Further to this, same-sex practice is specifically highlighted as sinful a number of times in Scripture. In the Old Testament, for example, condemnation of homosexual practice is clearly mentioned in Leviticus 18:22-25; 20:13 and in the New Testament Romans 1:24-32, 1Corinthians 6:9 and 1Timothy 1:10. The Scriptures are consistent in their prohibition of same-sex sexual activity, across different periods of salvation history and within different cultural settings.

A woman should not leave her father and mother. The Bible says a man shall leave his father and mother and shall cleave to his wife. Any marriage that is not between a man and a woman on this basis alone is not marriage and whether they are responsible or not responsible, it is false. The marriage is not ordained by God and we have no business in the church accepting it or even reasoning with it. God did not ordain it to be so and we’ll see in many scriptures how God condemned it. Many of us have fantasies because of what we have watched in Hollywood movies and now they are making gay people act out same fantasies to make us think it’s also okay. 

As a believer, if we want to take examples in marriage, we must look at our pastors, not American movies. We don’t accept the fantasies they portray as the standard for marriage. It is also between one man and one woman and not one man and his wives. Any sexual activity that takes place outside of this divine arrangement is a sin. There’s no reason, whether scientific or not, that should make us accept it. A man should not have sex with another man, it is an evil thing. These things written here were happening in the land of Canaan. Homosexuality is not new and did not start now. It is a tool Satan used to fight God then and even till now. 

(Leviticus 20:13) This is clear that there should be no sexual relationship between a man and a man and vice versa. It is an abomination. God hates it. We also see in Romans 1:24-32 that God clearly condemns homosexual relationships. The Lord Jesus affirmed in Matthew 19:5 that a man should marry a woman, even in 1 Corinthians 6:9 and in 1 Timothy 1:10. So if we refuse Jesus and paul, it is tantamount to us saying that Satan is our god or that he is our lord and saviour. We are not just saying these things are wrong by our flesh or because we don’t like it or that we just want to be against civilization. In fact, a homosexual relationship is not about civilization and the intent behind it is far beyond being civilized.

2a. The Lie – The sins of Sodom and Gomorrah that led to their destruction are: lack of hospitality and gang rape. They argued that homosexuality was not the reason why the twin cities were destroyed.

  • They are saying if it wasn’t a gang rape but just one man and one man, God would have been okay with it.

2b. The Truth – While Sodom and Gomorrah were guilty of many other wicked sins, homosexuality was the principal reason God poured fiery sulphur on the cities, completely destroying them and all of their inhabitants. Moral decadence set in from fornication to adultery and then finally homosexuality. They were then filled with all unrighteousness (Romans 1:28). Sodom and Gomorrah had other wickedness but the primary reason for their overthrow was homosexuality.

  • Sodom and Gomorrah graduated from natural perversions to unnatural perversions. (Genesis 19:4-10) Scripture says all the men in every quarter of the city came knocking at the door of Lot. So it is not even about gang rape but that all the men (both old & young) in Sodom and Gomorrah burned so much in homosexual practice that they could not resist the two new men (angels) that came to their city. 

God was not lying when He said if He saw 50 righteous men or even 10, He won’t destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. But not one of them were righteous; all of them had been conquered by homosexual practices. They even rejected Lot’s daughters, they wanted the men. (Jude 1:6-7) This verse mentions fornication and going after strange fleshly feelings as the reason why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and not that they wanted to gang rape or lacked hospitality.

 3a. The Lie – While the Old Testament directly condemned homosexuality, we are not under the law but under grace (Romans 5:20).

  • You know, many times, there are things mentioned in the old testament that when people want to find excuses, they say “we are no longer under the law but under grace.” But, let’s see what scripture says.

3b. The Truth – Under the Law (Leviticus 18:22; 20:13), sexual immorality was expressly prohibited and this was also affirmed and established as an act against God in the New Testament (1Cor 6:9-11;1Tim.1:9-11; Gal 5:19-20). Most importantly, Romans 1:25-27 unambiguously reveals that homosexuality is a sexual immoral decadence that contravenes the natural order that God put in creation. It is a further degradation of the soul below fornication and adultery. So, biblical teachings unequivocally affirm that homosexuality is considered sinful, in both old and new covenants.

  •  We read it in multiple scriptures earlier and saw clearly both in the Old and New testament that scripture condemns it. God hated it in the Old testament and still hates it in the New testament. God hates homosexuality and everything around it. We have nothing to contest it, IT IS SINFUL.

 A Reprobate View (Romans 1:19-31) – Some theological scholars have peddled two highly detrimental teachings on the interpretation of the above scripture:

Ia. The Lie – The human authors of Scripture were limited by the scientific immaturity of their age. If they knew what we now know, the human authors of Scripture would never have been so closed-minded. Paul and the other apostles seem completely ignorant of modern secular understandings of sexual identity and orientation.

The concepts of homosexuality were unknown in Paul’s day. Terms like heterosexual, heterosexuality, bisexual, and bisexuality presuppose an understanding of human sexuality, and it only became possible with the advent of modern psychology and sociological analysis.

The ancient writers were operating without the vaguest idea of what we have learned to call sexual orientation. Bringing the Bible to answer the modern notion of sexual orientation is a step back into the stone age (archaic).

  • What they are trying to say is that when Apostle Paul wrote some of these things, science had not grown so they could not understand these things. In other words, science has a better understanding of people than the Spirit of God. They are trying to bring science to confirm their lustful act. They believe it has something to do with hormones. As believers, we’ll rather be close-minded if this is what it means to be close-minded.

1b. The Truth – This is the most blasphemous statement against the holy bible by LGBTQ+ crusaders and advocates. They seem to be wise, but they are fools. They are ignorant that scripture is given by the inspiration of God (2Timothy 3:16). Unholy men will definitely refer to what Holy men penned down as foolish. To question the authority of any portion of the bible is to question God and to fault all the reality found in it.

  •  Men did not sit down by themselves to write scriptures and it doesn’t matter whether they were unlearned or not, scripture was by the inspiration of God. They did not study something or do any scientific research, it is by inspiration. God inspired them. If anything is written in scripture, it means God wrote it. Are we to now say God is not aware of scientific inventions? So those reasons are not enough for us to accept homosexuality. Scripture was not written from carnal minds. Every part of the scriptures, including the stories, were inspired by God. If we say it’s by men, how did Moses know what to write in Genesis since he wasn’t there?

 2a. The Lie –  The passage refers to specific and oppressive acts of men and women of those days. That Paul’s references to homosexuality are actually references to pederasty (the sexual abuse of young boys) and to homosexual rape. Some affirm that the change of use that Paul refer to was that, God is against those who are homosexual and change their orientation be heterosexual, viz-a-viz.

  •  The thing is that, the struggle these false teachers  go through to find explanations for these sexual perversions shows there’s something wrong with it. If something is true, we don’t need to be convinced this much. It’s like trying to convince someone that a bird can fly. Evil spirits will peddle wrong thoughts just to indoctrinate men to come to accept it. What is wrong is wrong. The Bible is against it and we also must be against it.

1b. The Truth – God formed the man and the woman and established a marriage union between them, thus certifying that the marriage relationship is between a male and a female. Also, Paul specifically mentioned in Romans 1:27 KJV­: “And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.

This reveals that: homosexual advocates are attempting to pervert the truth and speak the truth in a lie as there is no mention of boy-rape or child-molestation, but the passage portrays a consensual relationship between same-sex individuals.

  •  Scripture never mentioned anything about rape. Each parties wanted it, it wasn’t a rape in any form.

More Than Change of Nature (Jude 1:6-7)

“And the angels which kept not their first estate…even as Sodom and Gomorrah.” We must understand that scriptures said these angels did not keep their first estate and that angels are neither male or female. One of the offences of Satan in the beginning was that he wanted to exalt his throne far above God’s.

The way God created our soul is in a way that we can progressively grow spiritually. But for angels, they don’t grow spiritually. God made them just the way they are, there’s no provision for them to grow spiritually the way we can and the principle of God is that the way we are made, we must remain so. 

So, Satan did not want to remain where God kept him and also went ahead to convince other angels to do the same, so they left their first estate. One thing Satan is also doing to man is for men to also leave their natural estate. That estate that God gave angels is their natural estate. Naturally, we are either male or female. God knew the reason why He left angels in their first estate. He created all things and saw that they were good. He created first estates in different places. This is the order that God has set things to be. We must understand our naturalness and keep it. We must remain there. Leaving it is also going to make us suffer the same fate that Satan suffered in this scripture. God will judge men that do not keep their estates.