Date: 30th May, 2021

Minister: Pastor Laide Olaniyan

(Romans 5:15-17) Without the reign of sin, a soul can’t come to death and without grace, a soul can’t come to righteousness. Sin ushered in the reign of death (Romans 5:12)- by one man sin entered, then through sin, death entered. Death didn’t just enter, sin opened the doorways to death. 

Sin first reigned and passed over the baton of reign to death. Death began to reign from the seed of Adam. Sin began its reign in Adam, but it was not able to coronate the reign of death in Adam till it found a seed in Cain. Sin was lusting over Cain to be able to bring into the reign of death.

(1 Corinthians 15:55-56) Sin has its own law. Not the Old Testament law, but the law of sin and death. This law is its strength: it empowers it, but sin itself is the sting of death. These are the powers of the grave. Death is a messenger of the grave.

(Romans 5:21) Eternal life cannot be given at once because death also could not come in at once. Death is a “Perverted Eternal Life.” 

Righteousness is the law of grace, the strength of grace is righteousness. The way grace will reign and govern is by righteousness. (Romans 5:1-5) Faith that is a teacher of righteousness is a messenger of grace. Grace must reign just like sin reigned, it must reign unto Eternal life.

(Romans 5:17) Those who receive the abundance of grace are those who have come into the reign of grace. You come into the reign of grace by receiving grace. We can be taught to receive grace. Not grace as in special abilities alone but grace as in alignment in righteousness to make room for governance. Sin reigned because men’s souls became practitioners of the law of sin. When a man yields to the law of sin and death, he makes room for their reign. As men begin to do righteousness, grace will reign. Men are opening the way to sin and death by what they are doing. They are also opening doorways to hell and death.

Grace is not one, it is many and we must have the skill to receive all of those graces. These graces are classified into two: the grace of our Lord Jesus and the grace of God. (1 Peter 4:10) Grace is not received at once, it is something we continue to receive but we don’t come into the grace of God first. The first school opened to us is the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Grace and peace are measurements of eternal life. Grace is not just the ability to preach, but it’s the working to bring you to an estate where you can fully house God. 

Death is measured in sins, iniquities and transgressions. A soul must learn. Scripture says “grow in the grace and the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” It is not: “grow in anointing” but rather in the grace of life. It is the grace for Eternal life. Grace is higher than anointings.

There is something beautiful about the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ (Galatians 6:18; Philippians 1:25). The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ works more with the Spirit and is the offshoot of the work done in the Spirit. It is the grace of the Lord that paves way for the giving of the Holy Ghost. That grace of the Lord Jesus works from the Spirit, even reaching as far as ministry gifts. 

(Ephesians 4:8-13; Romans 12:6) The gift of the Holy Ghost is part of the workings of the grace of Jesus. They are predicated on things that are wrought by the regeneration of our spirit. You may need some consecrations to sustain it but you don’t need anything to access it by virtue of the regeneration of your spirit. It is the gift of grace. 

There is the word of grace; there is the word of the grace of Jesus, and there is the word of the grace of God (Acts 20:32). The word of the grace of God has its gift. The gift of the grace of God is Eternal Life. This gift was not received when you got born again, but you have the right to grow up to access it. Jesus will open us to the grace of God, but you must first enjoy the grace of Jesus. One can get to the grace of Jesus and get stuck. 

(Acts 20:32) The work of the grace of Jesus sanctifies, and the word of the grace of God delivers inheritance. The end of the work of the grace of Jesus is that you will be sanctified. Without the word of the grace of Jesus, you can’t be truly sanctified (Hebrews 2:11). Jesus is a sanctifier (John 17:16-19). The Word of the grace of Jesus is truth and this truth sanctifies. 

Inheritance will only be given to those that are sanctified. There is a gift side of grace and there is the Word side of grace. You cannot handle the gift of grace well without the word of grace – you would abuse it.

Checking the Epistles, they all begin with grace and peace. To complete the curriculum of Eternal Life, we must be grace people. We must receive the grace of God in truth (Colossians 1:4-6). Grace can be known outside of truth but it won’t bring forth fruits. Grace should produce fruits. It is possible for a soul to fall from grace. Unrighteousness will make you fall from grace. 

(Galatians 5:1-4) Liberty is being brought about by the Word of the grace of Jesus.

Anything that validates you outside of the Word of Christ will make you fall from grace (reputation, marriage etc). Everything that the Word of grace defines of us, that is who we are, nothing more, nothing less. That is our sanctification. We must see Christ as the profit. Christ is the learning, sanctification and the truth.

We must give ourselves to hearing the Word: the word of grace. Eternal Life is freely given but can’t be freely received; you have to journey to take it. There are things you have to do. For example, we shouldnt seek things here, but things above. To journey, we have to be cleaned up first so we can be worthy. It is he who is found in Christ that it will be delivered to. 

The Word of the grace of God brings truth to sanctify, for the delivery of the inheritance by the grace of God. The grace of God is a bringer of Salvation. As a person journeys from grace, he journeys unto Salvation. 

(Hebrews 4:16) It is a fold of grace that will help in the pursuit of everlasting life. In this curriculum, you would see graces. (Galatians 6:8-9) One commandment in this season of everlasting life is sowing. It is not about the quantity, you are not responding to the flesh but to the Spirit. There are places that God, by the spirit, wants you to cast your seed so they can rebound unto life everlasting.

For the heart to be willing is a work. Doing is also another work, but we must receive all grace because God is a God of all grace. We won’t come into Eternal Life without grace. We must open our hearts to grace. We must come into all grace, both in the gift and Word expression, to be able to reign in life unto Eternal Life. Grace is accessed not just by claiming, but if we will grow in grace, we must go lower. Grace is tangible.

(Hebrews 12:15-16) We ought to watch. A new kind of fornication can arise if we don’t grow into the grace of God. If souls do not transit, a kind of spirit or activity can overtake a church that a fornicator can arise; a fornicator with stature. 

Failure to transit can generate fornication or profanity. Esau missed a season of looking into grace. The promise was not anything natural because by the time Jacob met Esau years later, Esau was large. This grace was grace to be engrafted into eternal heritage. Esau was big in the natural but missed something vital. He got all the natural things. All the things that he got are not by the God of Israel. He fornicated and interacted with things that are not of God. A profane person is he who does not have regard for God.

We are in a gracious season, that is why things everlasting are being brought to us. We must labour to receive the grace of God. Grace is not just pardon or forgiveness; those are the minutest revelation of grace, but the grace of God is a teacher: teaching sanctifies. All these are in the hope of Eternal Life.

1st Tongues & Interpretation 

Emissaries, even emissaries are here in your midst, teaching you how to be purged of sins and darkness so that you can know how to offer sacrifice in righteousness. 

Yea, there are two emissaries. I sent them here so they can teach you how to offer sacrifice in righteousness. It is a time to sow in righteousness so that you can reap even everlasting life, even my two emissaries, the emissaries of the most high God.

2nd Tongues & Interpretation 

Angel of anointing is here, even to anoint your lips. Angel of light, even angel of light to anoint your lips, to bring forth the truth of my counsel at this time. 

Are they not ministering spirits coming in your midst? They will minister long with you this morning. They have rested anointing upon you to preach the truth, to instruct the church on how to be preserved this season, even in this terrain. 

You need to teach your people how to live out my righteousness. They are here to teach with you. Even the angel of the most high God.

3rd Tongues & Interpretation

Michael, Michael, standing tall in your midst is Micheal. To minister healing upon souls. To heal your soul diseases, even Michael is here, even Michael healing, even healing angel.