Date: 2nd May, 2021

Minister: Pastor Laide

For a long time, Satan has made us believe wrong things about spiritual warfare. Many people believe that spiritual warfare is an affliction of sickness, or not having money or material possessions. Riches according to God’s terms is us always having sufficiency for what God sends us to do (2 Corinthians 9:8). God didn’t promise to take care of our lusts and lustful desires.

(Psalm 37:25) God has accounted for how every man will be taken care of. It is our responsibility to look up to God for our provision. We are not to put our trust in the arm of flesh. The essence of God’s leading is for every man to look up to God. Our obedience to God can also create grace for the needs of our family to be met.

(2 Corinthians 8:9/ 2 Corinthians 9:8) The sufficiency of God is for every good work. Good works are instructions; motivated acts of God. (2 Corinthians 8:14-15) In the administration of God, there is a technology of God for the distribution of income and we appear in His chart when we obey. Often, because of our disobedience, we do not align with this provision. God doesn’t need our useless filthy money, He wants to save us. That idea that I want to be rich to sponsor the kingdom agenda is very wrong. God is faithful to take care of everything we need according to righteousness.

In the wisdom of God, all things have been set in order concerning us and our families. God didn’t send us to finance people’s lust. How God will meet us is by us looking up to Him.

Each one of our actions must be borne out of instructions from above. If we do not look up to God, we won’t know the true definitions of things. There is a way God wants to lead everybody. Many of us are held bound and can’t respond to God because of the things we have been raised with. For as long as our hearts have been raised towards somebody that isn’t God, God can orchestrate a shutting down of that person’s resources if He so pleases. We must deal with our heart in a way that our heart is to God and not to the vessels He uses to bless us. If God uses us to bless someone, we also must guard our heart not to feel important that it is us blessing that person.

Few things kill faster than us thinking we are sponsoring a believer. We must know that it is for our salvation that is why we must not do anything out of necessity or compulsion but by the Lord’s instructions, if not, Satan will seat upon it and torture our soul until we veer off.

God has a system of balancing things. We do not need money for our provision. We need God. It is not all our needs we will meet by buying them with our own money. Sometimes God will have someone give them to us: we must come to terms with this. Some of us, it’s because we don’t like to beg that’s why we always want to be the one that buys things for ourselves. Even Jesus borrowed things during His lifetime on earth.

Everyone under God’s economy will be taken care of so long as we’re under. We must fight to stay connected. No one will get power/light if he disconnects himself from the power grid, so also we must not disconnect from God’s allocation for us.

It is a torture of darkness to carry weights that do not belong to us; we can remove these weights. We must be careful what comes into our hands and we must be mindful of how we use and allocate any of these resources. In the agenda of things, God has a purpose for everything.

Every instruction given to us has the salvation of our soul attached to it. Because there’s nothing our hearts cannot idolize, God needs to instruct us to deal with these things. We must also know that God is too wise and we don’t always have to understand the how but must know that He will provide for us. If God can use a raven that can starve its children to provide food for Elijah, God can provide for us.

The only security we have is obedience security; not job security or any other security that men naturally seek for. Obeying God pays.

1st Tongues and Interpretation 

I open even new waters, pure waters is what I bring even to you, even by the orchestration of the spirit. I open up pure waters for your feet to take steps and journey because you’ve come to a place where you need this water, this dispensation of Word, this clarity, so I have come to open up this water so you can partake of it and your water will become purer.

Omi iye, I open up water for you to come into life. The reason for this water is to take steps and come into everlasting life, for that’s the destination of every soul. I open up water for your feet to take steps and journey.

2nd Tongues and Interpretation 

Hosts, Hosts, Hosts. We are hosts, we have been sent to open eyes, to open ears. We are hosts and we want to be hosted. 

We have come here to open veils, to tear apart veils. For you will begin to understand things that are in the heart of the Father. We are sent here for a purpose. We are waiting, we’ve been waiting. For there is yet something that needs to be accomplished.

We want to be hosted.

We want your heart to carry substances then we can say we have been hosted. We have been sent for this purpose.

3rd Tongues and Interpretation 

We are making this announcement, we are making a declaration. We require many hearts to mourn in this season. For there are yet many many things that should be given unto you. We are looking for mourners, for you need to mourn and even wait.

Wait! Wait!! Wait!!!

It’s a season of waiting. You need to still wait, to keep waiting. I’m bringing many many rains. I’m bringing many rains. Until you are drenched, until you are soaked. This is not a time to stop waiting. For there are yet many many rains to fall. You need to keep waiting.

Pastor Laide (Message)

(2 Timothy 3:10-15, Revelations 1:3-4) The blessings of scriptures are in folds: there is blessedness for reading, there is blessedness for hearing and there is blessedness for keeping.

In learning, Satan fights us at many levels, even at the level of the preservation of this Word and he will fight the reading and understanding of the Word. Even when you finally gain understanding, the battle isn’t over. So it is not time to rest. Satan fights to keep people unlearned in the spirit: unlearned means uninstructed.

(Isaiah 30) Our challenge is in folds. Your ignorance can be taken away and you can be learned in the spirit and can read things. To be learned in the scriptures is not to have education, but to be able to read spirits.

Learning is the ability to see the pathway of the spirit and we have to be taught and educated in the spirit to learn. To be learned, you have to be taught the spirit and enrolled in the spirit and there are things that they show us: manner of life, hope, charity, patience and persecution – to learn the spirit. They are the curriculum of the Spirit.

Without understanding spirit, you can’t understand scriptures. You will err in scriptures if you do not know the spirit. You have to be shown the spirit to see pathways. 

(2 Timothy 3:10-13) We are meant to keep godliness at all costs and never compromise godliness. There is the learning of the spirit. If we will learn the spirit, we will first learn doctrine. Learning doctrine and learning scriptures are not the same. Scripture is an ocean but we must be shown doctrine. Learning the spirit is not being spooky. 

Spirit life is not spooky, it is free but it is exact, it is established in light, judgment and doctrine. To identify a man who has learned the spirit, check his Word or truth level. Spirit is truth, spirit is Word. When we want to judge spirits, look at truth; how aligned is it with the truth? If it is not aligned with truth, it is not pure and that is why doctrine is exalted more than manifestation, eccentricity and any other thing.

Manner of life is the life we live according to doctrine; it is that which we are learning.

Your job or career is not your purpose, even your assignment is not your purpose. The purpose of every man is the same, and that purpose was given in Christ Jesus before the foundation of the world. If you make any other thing your purpose, you have missed it from the beginning. Men run a race in vanity. Vanity will set a race for men and they will never get anywhere.

We have only one cause and reason why we were born: to conform to the image of Christ. David served his generation by the will of God. As good as he was as a psalmist, that was not his purpose. He wrote a lot of psalms but the will of God that he served is that he laboured to align his heart after God’s own heart. He was not respected by God because of his psalms. The only thing that will count before heaven is that our heart was submitted to processing and was patterned to the pattern of the Son of God. If we fail in that, every other thing we live for is a waste.

You can have grace in some things but that is not your purpose. You don’t discover your purpose by yourself, you have to go back to your maker. Without doctrine, you can’t find purpose. 

(Jeremiah 1:5) Ordination is not purpose, it is an anointing to execute certain things. Purpose is more intrinsic in the person than the assignment. A man’s life is more important than his assignment. Never exalt your assignment above life. Life is more important.

Purpose tells of your hope. When the purpose of a man is expressed, you see why he is living. We must find rest in the counsel of God and our soul will be confident, that is when we will not be moved to and fro. God thinks about us much more than we think about ourselves.

One of the signs that you have come to rest about a matter, is that you don’t have the strength to pray about it until God moves you. It is marvellous how God swiftly answers prayers because there is righteousness in the heart; when we pray according to His will, He hears us. But when it is fear and anxiety that is motivating the prayer, sometimes He just looks at us and shakes His head.

(2 Timothy 3:14-15) There is a difference between learning and assurance. Many times, we don’t drive the things we learn to the point of persuasion. For things to be written in your heart, they have to drive it to the core of your being. When an information comes, it comes to the mind. but it is different from apprehending in the heart. In the mind, we can understand the everlasting gospel and know how to join the words together, but that doesn’t mean we have been persuaded of it. You can learn it but you can’t submit yourself to the process and dealing of it because you know it is the most profitable cause of life.

(Luke 1:1) Persuasion is being persuaded to use it for life; it is a labour. It is another warfare to be persuaded of it. It is not about learning, but we must be persuaded. If you don’t labour to own it, it will slip away. You can be learned in some things and become dull in it later if you don’t use it for living. You must continue in that which you have learnt and the things you have been assured of. We must come to a place where we must not lose these things. It is not time to relax but to labour to hold. We must press into the things that have been spoken.

(Philippians 3:15-17) To move ahead in life, the same principle that brought you to the place where you are, you have to continue and walk by it. This is not the time to mind some other things if we will progress. 

(2 Timothy 3:15) We should know the holy scriptures. Many are not acquainted in scriptures, therefore it is difficult for God to instruct us in doctrine. Jesus schooled Himself in scriptures. He was devoted to the Word, right from a child. If we want to get wisdom for salvation, we must be vast in the scriptures. Read for the love of the Holy Bible. Knowledge of scriptures is beautiful in itself but when doctrine comes, we will be able to navigate it easily.

At no time must we outgrow the desires of the scriptures. Even till we are old, we must read it. Learn all scriptures. When you are reading, read everything. When you’re learning, learn doctrine, learn to sit on all scriptures; read! Scriptures are inspired of God and the power to make one wise for salvation is inherent in it. Learn doctrine; read all scriptures, be a ferocious reader of the Bible. Our love for scriptures must increase. We must stay on the Word. Labour to read the scriptures. Trust the Lord for the love of scriptures like never before; a holy and ravishious desire for the Lord will ravish your heart.

1st Tongues & Interpretation

Turning tides, even tides over you as a church, turning tides, even turning season, turning season, even turning tides over you as a church, as a company of people, the tide is changing, even the atmosphere over you is changing. There’s a new location hovering over you as a company, hovering over you as a church, as a group of people, even as individuals under this assembly. 

Understanding and light will break forth in a new dimension, even this calling for obedience to walk in a greater plane, even on a higher plane than you have been walking before. For it is the tide that is changing over you even as a church. But commandments will be coming with higher authority, even with higher authority over you in the spirit to bring you up, to call you up, even to take you up. Everyone connected to this assembly, it is a time to change, even the time to change estate, to come up in the spirit.