Message: Prayer in the Spirit

Date: 18th April, 2021

Ministers: Pastor Laide Olaniyan

Message (Pastor Laide Olaniyan)

(Jude 4-23) Most holy faith is most holy love; it does not give up on anybody. If there are people who will be saved at the 11th hour, the most holy faith will produce them. This faith is gendered in people who are ascending the holiest of all. It is energy to pull people out of the fire, strength to pluck people out of the hands of darkness; energy of faith, not the will of man. Some people will be near destruction already, and the faith of the Son will pluck out. It is not something we will work on ourselves; it is a grace that the Lord will fuse to deliver people. 

God can do quick work. There are many people we have given up on because our faith has not been purified; our faith has not been proven in the most holy dimension, but as it comes to the most holy, faith will arise and faith will revive for salvation.

God doesn’t leave anyone behind. There are people that we have given up on but we would be surprised how God will bring them in. God wants to finish work this season; he wants to bring us into a higher realm.

The only safe place to hide during the season is the place of prayer. Things are falling on the earth; men do not know; men are not discerning. The only safe place is to be in the Spirit because that is where heaven is. There are heavenly places in Christ Jesus; we can only access them in the Spirit. You can be in heaven here on earth, in the spirit.

In this season, stay and endure; stay in the place of prayer. In months and years to come, you would see the difference; so much work would have been wrought in you. We must give ourselves to prayer labor; it is not a waste of time. Pray, pray, pray. Pray much more than you talk. Grace will break forth.

1st Tongues & Interpretation

I have come to pour my spirit upon all flesh, I have come to pour my spirit, even pour my spirit upon all flesh, even bring abundance of rain of my spirit. I have come to quicken your mortality to become immortal, to quicken futility in you even to become immortal. We have come in a greater dimension of the spirit to pour upon all flesh. It is a meeting of blessing, even the blessedness of the spirit of God, of the mortal being, even the mortal being we have come to erode your airspace this morning. 

2nd Tongues & Interpretation 

Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty. Here in your midst is the holy one, high and lofty being. Even in your midst is the holy one. There is a being in your midst, don’t be distracted. There is a high and lofty being sent forth from heaven into your midst, high and lofty. An angel of the presence of the most high God, highly in your midst. We are mighty in your midst this morning, mighty in your midst. We are plenty in your midst, even our presence is plenty. Holy one, holy one, the greater one is here, even the greater one has been sent from high, even to usher you in this morning, the greater one from high; The being of the most hight God, even resting upon this assembly.

3rd Tongues & Interpretation

Ceaseless incense, ceaseless prayers, there is a quantum of incense that is required to rise up to God for safety. There is a quantum of incense that needs to rise up to God even for safety even at this time. Your safe place at this time is to pray, the only safe atmosphere around your home is to pray, the only safe atmosphere around you is to pray. Don’t look even like men that look outwardly and see that nothing is happening, but there is a great thing happening in the realm of the spirit. 

Do not be caught unaware in the spirit. Pray without ceasing. for your safety to be guaranteed, it has to be in the place of prayer, in the place of burning of incense unto heaven even at this time. Pray in the morning, pray at noon, pray at night, even when cooking, pray, everywhere you are, pray, pray, pray. Make sure you’re praying, make your supplications even rise to heaven, cry out to heaven, we want to see your burning, we want to see your incense. 

There is a sacrifice needed at this time. We are burning your feet for to pray. Even for as many that are weak, we are bringing grace to pray, even abundant grace to pray. We are pouring great burning upon your heart for to pray, even at this time, cry vehemently unto him who can save you from death. There is a great death ammassing on the face of the earth now. We have to see your cry, we have to see your agony in the spirit, to come out of death, agony to come out of sin, out of hellish nature, to come out, to come out. There is so much deadly nature upon the earth right now, you need to pray for your safekeeping. Gather your family and pray, pray, pray, pray. It is the month and season to pray, it is the season of prayer. Make sure you’re found praying at this time for we are bringing grace for to pray even at this time. Endeavor to pray, we beseech you all to pray. It is time to labour, even in the place of prayer.

4thTongues & Interpretation

Even a great season has come upon the surface of the earth whereby heaven is ready to change nature, heaven is ready to bless with nature of the Son, even a great nature at this time. As you pray, your prayers will be answered, as you open your mouth to pray, your prayer will be answered. Even as you pray about that particular matter, that nature that has held your soul for so long, it is time to fight, it is a season of fighting, you must learn how to fight! The good way of fighting is the good way of praying. 

We are ready to change nature, we are ready to give ourselves. Pray, pray, pray pray at this time for constant change upon your soul. Pray at this time that your order of fellowship change, even your order of service change. Pray in this season. It is a time to pray. If you’re fainting, pray. If you’re weary, pray. Pray so that your weariness will be torn, do not be found not praying. Labour in the place of prayer. So many portals, so many gifts, even gifts of nature. We are ready, a door of heaven is open to answer prayers, a door of heaven has opened even more than ever before to answer the incense, cry and labour of men. Pray there will be a speedy change, a door of change, pray your way into change, pray your way, pray your way.

5th Tongues & Interpretation

A greater height in the spirit, even a greater height, a great door in the spirit, pray. Let your incense go up to the high one. Do not just pray in the spirit, watch in the spirit. An high activity is going on, we don’t want men to remain on earth, we want to lift you up, we want to raise you up, we want you to come up, there is an agony in the spirit for you to fellowship up. Come up hither, come up hither, pray that you partake of heavenly things, partake of mine, pray that you partake of things called mine, of things called eternal life. Pray until you touch our realm, pray until you press into our realm.

6th Tongues & Interpretation

This is the escape route at this time. There is darkness coming over nations, this is the way of escape, for the law of sin will rise even at this time, what men call sin, men will be free with it. There is an high wave of iniquity coming over the face of the earth, for this is the victory, this is the way of escape at this time. Pray to live above the earth, pray to live above the earth. You can’t afford to live the way carnal men are living. Iniquity is coming upon the face of the earth. I am preparing my own just like in the days of Noah, when I prepared Noah ahead of time. I am preparing you. This prayer is a preparation for what is coming upon the face of the earth. There will be visitation of iniquity upon the face of the earth, but there is a way of escape. I am bringing high voltage of the speakings of the Godhead, there is a way of escape for my people. 

As you pray, you are escaping corruption, you are immune against things that will war men down; that will bring so many people to say that no one can be saved, but you will be saved. This country will be saved. There is an agony going on upon the face of the earth, even heaven is coming at this time to save people from corruption. We are coming to save you from the agony of Satan. Pray your way through, pray your way through because I want to deliver my people from the law of corruption. Sin is coming in a greater dimension to ravage the face of the earth and we are are coming with the high voltage of the spirit for safety is of the Lord. There is a war going on in the spirit, look into the spirit, watch into the spirit. There is a warfare, great warfare going on in the spirit at this time. I will deliver my own. I will build ark to deliver my own. A greater light, a greater wave of the spirit will be delivered at this time. Pray your way into light, that is your solid solution. Pray for one thing, pray to press into life for therein lies your safety.

7th Tongues & Interpretation 

Armies arising, armies arising, I have quickened your parents at this time, even the work they are doing is to build an ark, even to build an ark. I am equipping them to build an ark for you all to come into, even for you all to come into, their labour at this time is to build an ark for all to come into, for all to come into. Submit, even submit at this time, submit to the grace of God upon the grace of the house, upon the authority placed ahead of you, submit and be meeker than ever before. It is not the time for you to despise authority, even the instructions of authority. I have put a higher pedestal on authority at this time, to hold forth the banner and authority of the church. If you don’t submit, you will find yourself lose in the spirit. 

Submit to Authority, stay under covering, Even as a father covereth his children, I have spread their tentacles, for to gather you all, all you need at this time is to align. I have placed them in a pedestal in the spirit where they can gather all. Do not lose the hold on authority, every instruction from authority at this time is a high voltage of eternal life; a safety for you at this time. It is safety for you to be under authority. I am putting forth so much grace and authority over them, to take this gathering of people into my ark. I have placed authority with a big tentacle to cover you all, to carry you all. I want you to carry out instructions, to stay under obedience, be watchful of authority and obedience at this time. My greater hand is upon them. Submit, even submit, stay under covering, stay, for therein is your escape and prosperity at this time. Stay under covering, stay.