The New And Living Way Church, Ikorodu

Meeting: Sunday Service

Sunday School Theme: Receiving and Maintaining your Healing (Conclusion 3)

Date: 4th April, 2021

Minister: Pastor Laide Olaniyan 

Pastor Olaide Olaniyan (Sunday School Service)

We have been looking at a series for a while now. We’ve seen how the Word of God is the sure way to guarantee our healing and I feel the necessity for us to look into more details. It may seem low but it is very foundational.

We need to get these 3 books – The Believer’s Authority, Love the Way to Victory and The Triumphant Church.

Last week, we emphasized the place of the Word and how the Word is the one singular predictable channel to guarantee healing for us. The authority of the Word predates Jesus’ sacrifice such that every single one that has had to obey His words have had undeniable access to healing. But Jesus’ sacrifice came to seal it and give an irrefutable foundation to our faith so that man’s faith cannot be posed on “I have kept the word”.

Jesus’ death came as a foundation of mercy and we need to have faith therein. However, we want to look at the issues of demonic activities and healing. Sometimes demonic activities are responsible for sickness. One truth that we should know is – there are different kinds of people and broadly they will be divided into 2 and there may be sub categories – Saved & Unsaved.

It should be noted that virtually all of the healings and all of the cases we see in scriptures were primarily done to people who had unsaved spirits right from Old Testament to New Testament.

This is because for a man to be born again, Jesus must have died; and all the cases we see in scriptures are people who had not had their spirits regenerated because Jesus had not paid the price by dying on the cross and being resurrected. Before the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, no one had been born again even though they believed in Him.

We must also note that man is tripartite – (3 parts) – man is spirit, has a soul, lives in a body. (1 Thessalonians 5:23) When a believer got born again, what got born again is our spirit, our spirit became Christ. We must not be in doubt of that. Our spirit got recreated when we got born again.

I’ve seen that Rev Hagin is someone that God helped to balance this area very well and we must know the implication of this process for our salvation and for a person who is unsaved.

What are Demons?

They are fallen spirits, unseen to the physical eyes and they’re also beings.

Many of us find it easy to believe the unseen things (micro organisms) e.g like the malaria parasite, plasmodium, but find it hard to believe there are unseen beings like angels and demons and their influence on our body.

Demons are unseen but their activities can be perceived even by unbelievers. At some degree, their activities are not perceptible, but at some degree even an unbeliever who doesn’t have God can perceive that this is an evil spirit as seen in the gospel when people/gentiles (unbelievers) would seek out Jesus to help drive out evil spirits.

The advancement of the world is doing something that will make us unable to cast out evil spirits so that foul spirits will have a legitimate right to stay in our bodies because we have given diseases medical terms. Those that first practiced healing at some point were arrested for healing people without license. The idea that satan wants to hide is not new and what obscures the light and awareness that satan is real is a knowledge. Satan perpetuates a light sometimes called civilization to hide. Now men, rather than cast out these spirits causing these illnesses, have given them names like viral infection. This teaching is not against the medical profession but the light of truth must chart the way for us.

Some men in some bid to drive spirits out have ventured into exorcism. We must differentiate between exorcism and the authority of the believer because some of these things are being incorporated back into the church and we don’t know.

Some have gone into mediums, objects, herbs and trying to use incense to drive out spirits. That action predates Christ. This is what sons of Sceva did; they were already driving out demons before Christ did (Acts 19:13-15).

The distinction of the ministry of Jesus is that by the Spirit (the Holyghost) He drove out spirits/demons. When it came to other types of healing, He might use hyssop etc but when it came to driving out demons, He always spoke the Word of God. If we don’t check scriptures we might not be able to draw the line between what is the authority of the Spirit or of the Word and what is exorcism.

One of the characteristics of Jesus’ ministry was that by the spirit, He drove out devils and they could discern it because He spoke as one with authority, and even spirits and winds were subject to Him.

With exorcism, Satan uses it to further bind the person. Satan will not drive out satan, it might seem like the person experienced some freedom but in truth the person is not free (Luke 11:18-20). What he does is give you a problem and make one further entangled in him.

We must either do it in Jesus name or not. There is no middle ground, you’re either for or against. It’s either you’re standing in Jesus name and doing it the way He has prescribed, or doing it satan’s way.

Some things we think are demonic activities are actually overstretched. They are man’s unregenerated soul at work. If that mind is not renewed by the word of God, it will still be susceptible to demonic activities. Demons can reinforce a habit. The saving of the soul or renewal of the mind is the greatest most vital need in the church today not casting out demons.

We will have less activities of foul spirits around if the church focuses on salvation of the soul. Spirits often perpetuate themselves in ignorance: ignorance as in civilization but much more of the truth/word of God.

Ignorance doesn’t necessarily mean lack of education. We have been quick to accept everything that is modern/civilized to replace traditions that had a truth according to God.

Jesus didn’t have any formal education, but He was more learned in the truths/things of God than the scholars of His day. Same as the Apostles. We’re not against education or going to school but what makes us learned in scriptures is not education in the natural. It is the world that makes us feel inferior when we don’t know their things. The same way there are ignorant men in the natural, there are also ignorant men in the things of the spirit (1 Corinthians 14:23).

If we become newly born again, irrespective of the certificate, doctorates etc we have amassed in the natural, we must realize that we are babies and must submit to learning, else we will remain carnal and unlearned in the things of the spirit. The church must respect grace more than age, that doesn’t mean we should not respect our elders.

Because the believer’s spirit is recreated, a demon cannot dwell there but we can have influences of demons in places around the soul and body.

We’d look into more details on Obsession, Oppression & Possession – these are degrees of demonic influence that can happen to a person.

Possession is like ownership – when a spirit takes charge and control of a person, it encroaches into the spirit of the person. Just as Holy Ghost dwells in our spirit so also a fallen spirit can encroach into our spirit and take control. It happens when the soul and body have been overrun. It comes from within and runs through the faculty of the person’s body.

Obsession is when the faculty of a man is overrun by spirits, such that the thinking faculty is now filled with thoughts suggested by satan. The person thinks thoughts founting from spirits. It is mainly the mind. Oppression is the activity of spirit from outside, causing inconvenience, discomfort or afflictions and can sometimes be suppressive. It is basically in mind and body.

The spirit of a believer is saved but the soul and body is not. Even though satan has been defeated, he’s not ready to go yet: He’s aware it’s not yet time (Matthew 8:29). The lease Adam gave to him has not expired yet as said by Pa Hagin. Some men still love darkness rather than light – giving satan lordship over their life.

Death reigned over all men and all men must choose who would have lordship over them (Romans 5:14). The death of Jesus gave way to the destruction of satan and his work, but we must accept Jesus to access the victory. Before, man had no option but Jesus’ death gave us victory (Romans 5:12).

Oppressions that we see are not the will of God. Jesus’ death has given us victory over these things, but until we know what we ought to do, satan will keep cheating us.

Wrong thinking is one of the ways we open the door to the oppression of Satan. If we do not renew our mind by the word, satan will come into our airspace alot. Whilst we must be careful about what we think, we must be careful to not think every thought must be spirits. We should however focus on the Word (Psalm 1:1-2).

Spirits influence predominantly through thoughts. No spirit will gain entrance into us without first gaining access to our thoughts and once the thought is fellowshipped with, then entrance can be granted.

Spirits are always looking for hosts and we must be careful what we watch also, music we listen to and conversations we stay around. Same way our spirit cannot function without a body, so also these spirits are looking for a body (Matthew 12:43-45). As God wants rests, so also these spirits are looking for where to rest, and they do this in a parasitic destructive manner – detrimental to the hosts but the indwelling of the Holyghost is a symbiotic – mutual benefit with us.

One thing Pa Hagin says is to not be too quick to drive out spirits without first preaching the word to a soul, because they come back and come back with more spirits. Fallen spirits are always looking for people to host them whether believers or non believers. We must be mindful of our atmosphere.

Pa Hagin says spirit led believers are more immune to spirits as opposed to sense led believers. In the spirit, some people’s defense system has been made strong by submitting to the Holyghost, keeping the Word and obeying the Holyghost. If our mind is gated, these spirits can’t gain access. We must guard our hearts with all diligence because Satan wants hosts. We should think of the Word and meditate on it (Phillipians 4:8).

1st Tongues and Interpretation 

Even victory, even victory over thoughts, we want you to stay here. My people must be victorious at this place. We want you to reside here. We want a great victory even at this point, because we want to usher in our fellowship even at this time and there are so many distractions even around our fellowship upon many airspace.

So many cannot program our meditation because of so many distractions of evil spirits. So many occupants of evil spirits because people cannot enjoy our fellowship. Heaven is my throne and earth is my footstool. I need rest even in the soul of men for there are many occupants because of ignorance.

I want victory over the airspace of men. I want victory over the airspace of men. They are my people. It is time for us to fellowship with them.

We don’t want to become obscure to people any longer, we want to enjoy fellowship because even in this season we are coming down in 100folds, in many folds and we need hosts to dwell. We need hosts to dwell. Even at this time we want the airspace of men to be clear. Even stay here we want victory.

2nd Tongues and Interpretation 

I say tear it, tear it. Open up, tear it, open up. I need opening, tear it, open it. Cast down the evil one and the ignorance in the heart of men, cast it down, tear it.

We need hosts to dwell. There is authority in your lips, there is authority in your tongue, cast it down. We come with greater authority of the spirit for today’s service, greater authority of might. We have long waited for this time.

Our realm is real, we want people to fellowship, we have long waited but there is no house to host us. We are tired of hanging over your airspace; we want to enter, we want to enter.

Tear it up, there is authority in your lips to tear it down, even authority to break down evil spirits in your airspace of men. We have come with great vexation of the spirit, even with great authority of the spirit to seperate men from evil spirits that have stayed with them, that has come in as a result of ignorance. We want you to tear it down.

You are not ministering alone, we are with you, there is a company of angels with you and the company of angels is to fight war. Just align yourself with the angels.

God wants to dwell in us but will not come until we are clean. But these spirits do not care, they are swines, ugly monstrous creatures.

We are to submit ourselves to God and resist the devil (James 4:7). We must resist because the devil will always plan an incursion. With COVID19, people are building their immunity but not focusing on building spiritual immunity. We can see decadence becoming more brutal. Darkness is over the earth.

It is very possible to make ourselves impregnable to Satan by submitting to the Word of God. The things we do to our body affects our airspace. First it comes as thoughts then, when we obey, it opens a greater room (Romans 12:1/ Colossians 3:5). We must bring our body under to break the hold of spirits and we must do it by the Word (1 Corinthians 9:27). All men will give account of what is done with their body (2 Corinthians 5:10). We must note that not all activities of devils are manifestly outward, awkward behaviours and if we are not rooted in the Word and spirit you will not discern these activities.

It is erroneous to tell a believer to cast out devils without submitting to God (James 4:1-7). Submitting ourselves to God is walking away from lusts, adultery and fellowship with wrong spirits. The area of mortifying our members is how we submit to God. We cannot resist the devil without first submitting to God. Not consciously and deliberately submitting ourselves to God will make us available to the incursion of spirits and we will not have the defense system to stop them.

In the area of thinking, one of the things we must remember is that we have been forgiven. This is different from eternal forgiveness. Sometimes Satan brings back sins of the past but we must know that God has forgiven our sins and remembers them no more (Hebrew 10:17/1 John 1:9). We must rebuke that devil when he comes. We must believe that when we ask for forgiveness He is faithful to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all our unrighteousness. We ought to know these things. What God wants to do is cure us from the ability to commit these sins, He doesn’t hold it against us. He has forgiven us (Isaiah 43:25). The devil is a father of lies and will always tell lies to us that we are suffering because of past sins, but we stand our ground knowing we have been forgiven. These are some doorways the devil uses against us, troubling us with sins God no longer remembers. While the prodigal son wanted to recount his mistakes, God didn’t let him. So when the devil comes peddling accusations, tell him to shut up, it’s family business and myself and my Father have talked, He has reproved me where I needed it.

When a prophecy comes reminding us of past sins, it is a lie from a fallen spirit because scriptures say your sins and iniquity will I remember no more (Hebrews 8:12/Hebrews 10:17).

Our spirit must always be in charge by the Holyghost to supervise what our body does because we know we will give account of what we do with our body. What is done in our body must be holy unto God,

Some of us don’t know that our inability to read the Bible is caused by spirits. Spirits will always try to keep us away from it or twist it but primarily they want to keep us from it because there is a blessedness in reading. Satan has weakened personal devotion: spending time, reading the Bible. Even if you don’t understand anything, just read (Psalm 119:11/1 Timothy 4:13). Just reading the Bible can keep spirits away.

It is important to note that if a believer does not yield to the Holyspirit and stays within the confines of the Word we make ourselves prey to spirits. The believer has a right under the authority in the name of Jesus to set a NO TRESPASS SIGN for spirits.

Most believers don’t know when Satan is coming and how to resist him. A believer must be able to identify him just as in cyber security where the devil tries to gain access into our lives. If we know our right in Christ, we will be able to stop anything.

Where the labor is for a believer is in submitting to God. Most of our problem is not in resisting the devil but in submitting to God. We find it hardest to mortify our flesh or put our bodies under. It is not always convenient but at the end of the day it makes us profitable and tidy in the Spirit. God is not just trying to put us under inconvenience but it is to make us tight against some things. We must mind what we bring into our airspace because some things project some thoughts into our home, into our kids. Some of those things are gates. We have a responsibility of putting our body under and presenting it to God and when we are done it will be very easy to stop some things.

                THE END