Date: 14th March, 2021

Ministers: Pastor Moses Omokhafe

Pastor Moses Omokhafe (Message)

The Father’s blessing.  There are two keywords: the Father, and the blessing. You can relate with a Father’s blessing; even in the natural, based on the level of growth of a child or an offspring.

The Lord sets families and puts them in place as examples. There are learnings that we can learn from our natural relationships; at every level, there are learnings.

The function of how we relate with the blessings of the Lord as a Father is a function of the level of our growth. It is when we start learning Christ that we start entering the kingdom. When we got born again, we didn’t exactly give our life to Christ. Our spirit was saved but our soul was not raised. Our soul could not comprehend spiritual things. Our soul was incapacitated because of the fallen nature of man but our spirit was already quickened; our spirit was a foundation. But before we can come into the kingdom, knowledge, and understanding must be committed to the soul. 

Based on the level which we are, when we relate with Christ, we can relate with the Godhead based on the understanding we have received. Our Father wants to bless us. He is blessing us but we must understand the kind of blessing and how we ought to relate with the blessing. 

Our relationship with God is a journey. We are taking it step by step. The church did not understand the concept of the journey; hence the enemy cheated the church. If we understand that we are on a journey, we look out for milestones. 

One of the ways to know if you are on track is when you meet milestones on the journey. They tell you how long it will take you before you get to your destination. It gives you a sense of direction. The understanding that the Lord is giving us now is to make us keep track, to see that we are making progress. The Lord giving the word does not mean that everyone has done Christ well. But He has opened a door for us; we have seen that there is a promise of everlasting life. 

When the preaching and teaching of the destination are clear, it gives us a sense of direction. You might still be far from the direction, but it gives us the sense that you’re headed in the right direction. 

We need to understand the movement in scriptures. If the understanding of the Father and the Godhead did not come, we would have been in Christ and assumed that is all and would not be able to come into the everlasting reward which is eternal life.

(John 1:1-14) The men which the light was meant for had become darkness. It is mercy that light is shining again in darkness. John was sent to bear witness to that light, to give men access to that light, that men through the light might believe. In the manifestation of our Lord in the days of his flesh, His own did not receive Him (the church on earth is His own). Receiving the Lord is in levels. When there is a receiving, power is committed. 

(Romans 1:16) When we believed, they committed to us a gospel of the righteousness of God encoded in it. The gospel has the codes of God’s righteousness that have the capacity to make us sons of God. When we gave our life to Christ, they committed to us a weapon; something that can convert darkness to light.

The gospel is a container that carries righteousness. It carries the converting power that can convert a man to become eternal in nature. The gospel carries everlasting substances. It carries the capacity to make us become spiritual. Righteousness is being revealed and it converts us from being flesh and carnal to become spiritual. This same gospel converts a man from being spiritual to being divine, and from being divine to become incorruptible. 

(Romans 16:25-27) What the Lord seeks to do with the power of the gospel is to establish man. As the Lord begins to deal with us and bring His light, He is committing everlasting substances to bring us to the place where we are to be birthed to become sons.

The Lord committed the gospel with the intent that men’s souls should be established in the doctrine of Christ. The light that the Lord is shining to us is an understanding. That is why we can see these things and it’s at the end that we will be established and they are kept in mysteries. It will take your eyes of understanding to be enlightened for you to see and understand that there are allocations for different levels of growth. 

(1Corinthians 13:1) The Lord wants us to come to terms with the mind of Christ; the full Christ which is the allocation of charity walk. If we have not understood the requirements of charity well, we will not do well in our journey to everlasting life. We must know how Charity touches down to our natural life: day-to-day decision makings. 

Charity is the height of the allocation of Christ; there is faith that brings hope in us and we find expression in charity. Charity is the door that ushers you into everlasting life. Charity is the place where sons are disqualified. 

Charity suffers long and is kind. Suffering long can mean enduring an unpleasant condition being supervised by the Holy Ghost for a long time. There are certain demands that Charity makes on the soul and would expect us to stay with that situation. A person practicing Charity well will stay kind and soft even if he or she is going through the dealings of the Holy Ghost. The person overlooks whatever the situation is. Because there is a God factor in the situation, he or she stays through. 

Charity thinketh no evil. You can hide your thoughts from your family and friends but you can’t hide them from the Lord. That is a high commandment but it is a standard. It is possible but a lot of work has to be done. 

Charity is the standard we need to align with.

What the Lord is helping us to see, is to know the standard, know the expectation of the standard, love and desire the standard and strive to obey the standard. Charity is the standard. We have to walk in love. We need to exercise the commandments of Charity. There are the commandments of Charity and there is Charity itself. The Lord sets us up to see how we will strive under the commandments of Charity. We need to continuously exercise the commandments of Charity because we must enter. A man can rejoice in iniquity without even knowing; such a man cannot do Charity. 

One of the dividends of light is that we can spot darkness. This is a salvation. We should expose darkness. We are at different levels based on the way we respond to light. Darkness is a mystery that as light is being unfolded, heaven is exposing it. As the Lord is bringing understanding it is so that we can see the standard, see where we are and how much progress we are making.

We must war to do charity. Darkness is a mystery and as light is coming, heaven is exposing it and that is one of the things the Lord will help us with this season.

1st Tongues & Interpretation

I open it, I open it, I am opening even over you an effectual fervent door of utterance. You will speak even as an Oracle, as an Oracle, for utterances have been put even in your tongue, for your tongue shall be as the tongue of a ready writer. For indeed I have open, I have seen your open heart, I have come to take even of your weakness and use it for strength. I have open a portal of utterance even over you.

2nd Tongues & Interpretation 

I touch, I touch your tongue, I touch your tongue, I touch, I touch your tongue.

3rd Tongues & Interpretation

I am here, I am here, even to do a work amidst you. I have been sent to do a work amidst you, I have been here for so long, I have been here for so long and I am here again. For indeed I have seen hunger in many hearts and I’ve come here to fill even many vessels that have been made empty. Even banks upon banks, for I, will fill yet more. I am here to pour, to pour substances even to many.

4th Tongues & Interpretation

Immunity, Immunity. Even as I’m speaking, I am immuning your souls against that which has held your soul for long. I say to you this period, do not spare darkness. Do not spare darkness. Expose even the dark intent of the heart. Cry for help, cry for help, do not rejoice in your iniquity. As I am coming to you, I am coming with immunity against iniquity that has held the soul bound for so long. These are hindrances to your prosperity in light. I want you not to spare iniquity, even not to spare iniquity at this time. I am bringing immunity upon your soul, even the immunity against this virus that is bringing darkness upon your soul, do not spare it. I want you to have a perfect hatred for iniquity. I want you to see iniquity and fight it to the core, fight iniquity, fight iniquity. It is a time for you to war against your darkness. It is a time to wage war against the iniquity that has held you captive for long. It is captivity. There is so much envy, so much evil around these things. I am going to spot them out, they are spot even in the feast of your charity. If you keep keeping these things, you will not prosper in charity.

I say to you, fight this war. I am bringing you immunity so that you can see darkness for what darkness is. It is not just for seeing alone, you have to fight the good fight of faith. It is possible that these things can come to an end. It is a time of warfare to war against your darkness, to war against your iniquity. It is a time to war because I will bring so much exposure, even the hidden things of the heart will be made known at this time. Even the hidden work of dishonesty will be made known and as I come, please labour with me until we fight and see this thing has come to an end. It is a season to war. I will reach the recess of your being, but war with me, war with me, and let us see even to the end of this darkness. 

5th Tongues & Interpretation

I say to you that there are so many, many things that need to be exposed at this time. There are so many things that we know they are sin, and we have covered them for so long. But it is time to expose your sin. He that covers his sin will not prosper. If you want to prosper in the current speakings of the Lord, you need to expose your sin and the better way to expose is to see this darkness to the end. You must see this darkness to an end. I say expose your sin, even for I came in a sinful flesh. When I was walking on the earth, there was a sin in me and even by my walk, I shed them away and I say to you, it does not matter. I know that you have sin, but expose it. Do not remain in the sin. 

My joy is not that you continue. My joy is not that you have it but my present joy is that we can war together and see that these things are exposed. I want to say even in your midst; that some people are coming out of these things. Some people are already taking on this nature. People are having this nature in them, some people are escaping even from envy. I say to you, don’t say this thing is not possible. I have so many witnesses in your midst, even so many witnesses that have come into a place whereby they can’t think envy, they can’t think pride but they warred with me. I’m saying this not because I’ve not said this before, but so that you can war and come and inherit me, even the innate nature of Charity. You can be charitable. Expose the darkness, even greater light is coming to expose the darkness. Greater light is coming to bring greater exposure but do not cover your darkness. Do not stay in your darkness. I know that it is there and that is why I had my will but I had to tender it for my Father’s will. So tender it at my feet. The will of my Father can crumble anything. There is nothing I cannot crumble. I say tender it at my feet to crumble. I say expose them, expose it all and you will see that you can grow in Charity.

6th Tongues & Interpretation 

I say in my word, be thou holy even as your Heavenly Father is holy and I am not turning back on that, that is the destination. That is the destination of this work: that you become holy even as your Heavenly Father is holy. As you are seeing that, you think you are still far from the destination; no, don’t worry. A great help is coming at this season, a great help to help to make you holy. You can be holy, you can be purified. A great help is coming, what I am bringing is help. Just fight with that which I am bringing. What I am bringing is great help in your midst. I am ready to help you, even I am bringing you to a place whereby you will be tired of this nature. For it is in your weakness that my strength is made known until you get to the point where you are tired of this nature. If you are not tired of this nature, it cannot be expired. 

I am coming to cause the weakness of this darkness in you and then my strength will be made manifest. It is a season that my strength is coming, even the greater strength of the kingdom. It may look to you as if you are weak, but my strength is being made available in this season. Even greater help with my strength. My rod is upon this assembly, even greater rod of the spirit. You bear my rod, strength is coming. Rejoice for the strength of your Lord is coming. Even strength to remove darkness, even strength to strengthen you in your weakness, even strength to make you holy. There is nothing that can change my word. My destination for you is to become holy, even as we are holy.