Date: 7th March, 2021

Ministers: Pastor Laide Olaniyan.

Pastor Laide (Message)

Blessings came to us all through the Season of the Spirit, not only in doctrine, but also in conversation, in manner of life, in principles of living that were highlighted unto us by our parents.

(John 14: 15-24) One of the things that was highlighted by Pastor Emeka was the need to quest in the spirit; much more than hearing the Word, we need to experience things that are being opened.

One of the things that we must understand is that it is not everything that is spoken to us that we have experiential knowledge of. And we cannot relate to things beyond our experience of them.

At every level of the teachings of the things of God, there are spiritual realities, tangibilities. Beyond our educational system, our spiritual educational system has also deprived us of having experience of what we’ve been taught. And when a company of people are robbed of the quest to come into these things, they are cut short.

Jesus taught not just as one of the pharisees but as one with power and authority. (Matthew 7: 28-29).

(John 14:16-17) The Holy Ghost is the first allocation given to us in Christ. The Lord Jesus was talking to His disciples and said “…I’ll pray the Father and He’ll give you a comforter…”.

Two reasons why the world cannot receive the Holy Spirit: it does not see Him or know Him. Receiving the Holy Ghost is not just receiving the baptism of the Spirit. It is also receiving the ministry of the Holy Ghost to the believer. There’s a Person we can see and know in the Holy Ghost. This leads to a quest to have a tangible experience in the Spirit. Every believer should come to the place of having a tangible experience in knowing the Holy Spirit.

A lot of us don’t know when we’re encountering God, Holy Spirit or Jesus because we have not come into experience of knowing them. To really know them is to come into fellowship, to understand them. To really know is to have intercourse, to come into fellowship, to understand them for yourself.

Every one of us should come into such tangible definite encounters of knowing the Holy Ghost.

Can we know the feelings of the Holy Ghost as a spouse knows the feeling of their significant other? Can we catch the vibrations of His heart even without utterance?

(Acts 17:27-28) In seeking the Lord, your heart will tune to the frequency of His heart and your heart will begin to vibrate with His heart. The Holy Spirit is the most basic person of the Godhead. So, without comprehending Him, we will not be able to know the Godhead.

(1 Corinthians 12:1,3) We must know the Holy Ghost. We must love the spirit. If we don’t love the spirit, then there is something wrong. We must fall in love with the Holy Ghost to prosper in our christian walk.

It is by the Spirit we’re led out of our senses to beat us into shape – even in the milk level. Nobody ever prospered in the milk level without loving the Holy Ghost – or even knowing Him in a measure. T. L. Osborn, Oral Roberts, Kenneth Hagin, Smith Wiggglesworth: they knew the Ghost so well they could relate with Him. That’s why they had the authority to teach Him.

Beyond words, we need to know the person of the Holy Ghost in our hearts. 

(Galatians 3:5) Why does the sign of miracles sound fictitious to some? It’s because they don’t know the Ghost, how He works and how He creates things. To work miracles, we have to know the science of how it works. And we can’t know it without the Spirit, because He is the one behind the energy of faith.

Miracle is a reality that comes on our inside by the Holy Ghost: this is born out of fellowship. There’s a reality to the person of the Spirit that is given for us to know at the milk level. It is a reality. You understand how the energy of God sets everything in place. And it comes by fellowship. If we don’t understand Him very well, we’ll err in the spirit – it will be almost impossible to navigate the experience of Christ. Certainly, the person who doesn’t know the Holy Ghost well will err and will not come to Christ. 

T. L. Osborn, Oral Roberts, Kenneth Hagin, Smith Wiggglesworth: these men knew the Holy Ghost so well that they didn’t want to grieve the Holy Spirit. That’s how jealous they became with the acquaintance and person of the Holy Spirit. Churches today would rather grieve the Holy Ghost and stick to their program, than to follow the Holy Ghost in a meeting.

This generation talks about the Holy Ghost, but we don’t see His conversation in the lives of some. We don’t sense the relationship they have with Him. 

Some of us today are ever learning, but we’ve not been able to be in fellowship with Him. You can tell a spirit who has been with the spirit, there’s a savor of freshness that comes from Him. You can also tell when a person is far, the atmosphere he brings will tell what he’s been with.

(Acts 4:13) We can know the Holy Spirit so well. When we’re in fellowship with the Holy Spirit, we can tell when another person is in same fellowship. There’s a freshness born from an intimate fellowship. When we experience the Holy Spirit through fellowship, the energy with which we’re bringing to bear are not schemes, but the works of the Spirit. The world was receiving miracles, but they could not work it by the spirit. There’s an essence in the Holy Ghost that we must know experientially.

(Luke 11:19-20) The Holy Ghost is not a feeling or dove, He is a person that is relatable that we can talk to because He has emotions and can be grieved and be moved. This should move us to start relating with him so we can understand Him. If we don’t understand Him, we can’t understand the rest of the Godhead.

The Holy Ghost is a training into the realm of the spirit (2 Corinthians 3:17 John 4:24). So if we don’t learn how to relate, see or learn that which is spirit, we won’t know the Godhead. (John 14:17) The Holy Spirit is the one that will guide into truth. There are some mannerisms in some assemblies that are against the Spirit and will not allow the assembly come into truth. If the Holy Ghost cannot move, He cannot show Christ. We must be malleable to the Spirit, because the Holy Ghost is very essential in every meeting.

(1 Thessalonians 5:19) “…Quench not the spirit…” He is real. He is a person, and He longs for fellowship. We begin to dry up in our christian life when we begin to lose consciousness of His Person.

The very reality of the Spirit being in/with us and working with us all through life changes the whole perspective of our life. Love will not be difficult if we know Him. If we know Him, we’ll know what makes Him lift. Many of us don’t know what makes Him lift.

Any assembly where we can find the Spirit is home and a gateway to eternal life. Where the Spirit of God is, is more precious than heaven. But we have few believers that are hungry and thirsty for the Holy Ghost; many want to BREAK IT, MAKE IT. 

Can we be filled with love for the Holy Ghost? 

We should be so ghosted that there is no thought in the mind of the Spirit that will pass by without our hearts catching it. Only then will we be able to get His guidance. 

An irresponsible child is one who is only interested in that which he can receive from the father, and not what the father is ready to give. A lot of us are more interested in what the Holy Ghost can do than in Him. There are things the world can receive from the Lord without seeing Him or knowing Him. But to actually be led into truth, we must see and know Him. We can’t receive truth from Him if we don’t know Him. Those who receive truth are malleable in the hands of the Spirit. We can be in the company of people who receive truth and fight truth within us if we don’t know the Spirit. 

(1 Corinthians 12:3) We can’t know the person of the Lord without the Spirit. When we believed, we said we receive Jesus as our personal Lord and saviour, but we didn’t know what we were saying – we need light to be able to comprehend it. We need light to be able to comprehend the Lordship of Christ. Because Christ is an imprisonment. 

(Ephesians 1:13) It’s a first level sealing. Once a man has known the Holy Ghost well, it will be very difficult for that soul to turn back. He has drank into the spirit. (2 Corinthians 1:22) By being acquainted with the person of the Spirit, we will see the Holy Ghost begin to teach things of Christ.

(John 14: 17-19) Beyond death, the world cannot see Jesus anymore. “A little while, the world sees me no longer…” i.e I am going to die but you, a believer will see me – this is because He will appear, He will show Himself. Not just by revelation or vision. It is also an experiential, intimate fellowship, a core knowledge.

Christ has his own manifestation, knowledge and experience. He is also a person. A distinct person. A person can have the Holy Ghost but be obscure from the person of Christ. And Christ is the real beginning of learning of salvation. Knowing Him is actually coming into a fellowship. Everyone of them have their fellowship.

(2 Corinthians 13:14) We know the communion of the Holy Spirit, but the son and the father also have their own fellowship. This fellowship is a weight of reality they bring to the souls of men. (1 John 1:3) They have their person they show to the souls; they are carriers of things eternal that they show in their different levels.

The reason for their teaching is to bring men into their fellowship. We can’t really come into the experience of the Holy Ghost without being taught by the Spirit. Even though He’s a distinct person, we need light to be able to see Him. 

One of the things we’re taught of the Holy Spirit is that He is holy. So, anything that isn’t holy or pure, He doesn’t have a hand in it – it’s alien to His person. We don’t come into fellowship haphazardly, we come into it by being taught. 

The Holy Ghost relates with us with courtesy, and this is not because we have really found the keys to His heart. A person can be receiving the teachings of Christ but is not longing to come into fellowship with Him. When a person begins to know Christ, we begin to see the Lordship of Christ, we’ll see commandments. The man that actually finds a way to the heart of the Godhead, they teach him their things. You have to be taught. The reason for the teachings is to come into FELLOWSHIP. For such people, certain things will no longer be good for them, because they have been commanded for the sake for life.

(1 Peter 1:13, 2 Timothy 4:8) Why the ‘appearing’ or’ unveiling’? It is because there is an essence to His person. It’s not just esoteric knowledge. Revelation is not just thoughts that we teach. There’s a person behind the thoughts that we teach.

(Joel 1:1) The Word is a person. It was a person that was witnessing to the prophets. They weren’t randomised thoughts. There’s a personality behind that knowledge. (Amos 3:1) So, if we gain all that knowledge and don’t meet the person, we’ve been robbed. 

(Jonah 1:1,4 1 Peter 1:10-11) In the learning of Christ, there’s a tangibility behind it. If we push a little bit further in our pursuit of His knowledge, we’ll come into the tangibility of Christ. You’ll come into the reality of the person that all of those words are describing. You know men who have known him by their conversation.

Brethren are actually people that have savoured the relationship with Christ. We can be hearing the same thing, but we’re not knowing the same Person. Out of all the dissemination of knowledge, someone is still hidden. 

Paul had a knowledge of somebody.

(Galatians 1:11-12 Ephesians 1:13-14) Behind all the words and understanding, there’s a person we can relate with. He’s a living person. He’s not just a force or a living power. He’s a person, our Lord and He’s a saviour.

Religion has become a routine and God has become a cliché. If we lose it at this point, we’ll wake up one day and tell ourselves that we’ve believed a lie because we didn’t know how to relate with Him. Paul said, “…I know him…”. Paul knew Him, do you know Him? Have you come to see Him and relate with Him?

(2 Timothy 1:12) There’s a second believing. We can have so much fellowship with this Word that it becomes life. We can stay with the Word so much that we’ll have a greater experience than Peter had. 

(2 Peter 1:16-19) This is real. It’s much more than what the preacher said, it’s much more than a folklore, more than a tale. We can’t be full with the fullness of the Godhead if we don’t drink into the fullness of the Spirit, and the fullness of Christ. The same way we sighted Christ, we will also sight God. 

(Colossians 2:9 1 John 1:3 John 14:20-23) How did John know that they manifested? Because they came and made their abode. They are real. If we can be curious about quantum physics and make research, we can also be so curious about the tangibility of the Godhead, and break into it.

We can presumptuously be shallow in all our experiences. (Revelation 4:1) We need to listen to messages again, read again, so that we can break into it. If we don’t press, we can lose the thirst to labour for their Person. We can get to a point where we see everything as knowledge and not experience. By the time you’re growing past the Holy Ghost, you can lose the zest to labor for their person.

Even though our journey is not based on feelings, God is a person founded on truth, so we need to experience Him. 

(James 4:3) How can we have unanswered prayers? Every prayer God hears, He answers. He hears us. It is in the place of prayer we know whether He hears us or not. Because it is from there we know whether we’re aligned with His will or not. 

(John 15:7) The day we’re aligned is the day we know it is settled. Our labour is to come into alignment. That’s why we can arise from the place of prayer with confidence, knowing that it is done. The day we align, that day, we know it is settled. It is the day we fall into perfect alignment.

1st Tongues and Interpretation

For I desire a sweet fellowship, I desire even many of you to come into this reality. For there is something sweet and intoxicating in me. It’s holy, it’s a holy conversation, it’s a holy fellowship, it bids you to come closer. I want you to understand my Person. I want you to understand what I’m made of. It’s a sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit. I want you to begin to hunger for this. 

I birth you into hunger, I birth you into desire; hunger for me, thirst for me. When I see this hunger, I’ll come. I’ll expose myself to you. I’ll show myself to you.

2nd Tongues and Interpretation

I come back, I come back. I come, I come, I come. I want to come again, I want to come. I want many to experience Me. I want many to come into that place and fellowship. I want many. Jesus prayed for this spirit. He prayed for this spirit. There is a reason why He sent me here; there is a reason why He told me to come – so I can lead you and guide you. So I can lead you to eternal life. I am not just there for feelings or emotions but to guide you.

Come back to the place of fellowship and communion, for I desire a sweet communion with us again. O come! Come!! Come!!!