The New And Living Way Church, Ikorodu

Meeting: Season Of The Spirit, 2021
Theme: The Father’s Blessing
Date: 28th February, 2021
Topic: The Raising of Fathers
Ministers: Pst. Emeka Egwuchukwu & Pst. Tayo Fasan

Pastor Tayo Fasan (Part 1)

The hurdle before us in this generation is not just to access this knowledge but to grow in
humility; that is when the knowledge will become a possession. It is by this we will be able to
dispossess and contend the enemy at the gate. We are being prepared ahead of the time when the
enemy will come against us.

(1 John 2:25) The blessing is the promise (Galatians 3:13). It’s a wholesale blessing, but
heaven in wisdom had to retail it: to break it down so that man who has been beaten to that estate
called flesh can relate with it (Psalm 24).

The first allocation of the promise is a blessing. Man was beaten to a wrong habitation; flesh, a
dwelling of those who live by the dictates of the sight of the eyes, who judge by the sight of the
eyes and what they hear.

They had to break down the promise into what man can relate with; in a demonstration of love
(John 3:16). The promise is to stop a program of perishing; it is to stop a program that wants to
limit man from journeying back to God (John 13:3).

Jesus did not come from heaven, thus, it is a limitation of sight to see going to heaven as the
goal. We are meant to be going back to God. There are many believers who have gone to heaven
and didn’t arrive in God. There are many saints who could not even go as far as Old Testament

saints got to. There are saints in heaven that have less stature than Old Testament saints because
they did not commit their life or invest in the promise. The reason why God gave us a life is to
learn and acquire the promise.

(Psalm 24:5) God’s plan is to bring man to a place where he will escape the program of
corruption through lust. The Lord wants to enlarge our hearts for the harvest that God wants to
raise. We should be desirous that the same way we found mercy to come across this fountain,
many others who have been added to the church who are supposed to experience what we are
also experiencing will do so.

The essence of journeying to that place where we can ascend is to escape the program of
corruption. They want us to become a kind of breed that can deal with the program of everlasting
life. Such a person can then be prepared to become celestial. When someone has journeyed and
ascended that hill of the Lord, he has journeyed out of the new earth.

New birth makes you a citizen of the new earth but it takes the Faith, Hope, Charity program to
bring us to a place where we ascend to the hill of the Lord and escape the corruption of the world
through lust. We must come to a place where we will journey from God’s good will, to God’s
acceptable will, to God’s perfect will. God in His wisdom broke it down for us. If it was left as a
goodwill, we can’t ascend out of flesh.

God is speaking from the point of view of the end. He can see the literal time and day when you
will have all of everlasting life, when you would have held all the life that will also make you a
father. That is the program of everlasting life. It is measured to those who have acquired the
formation called Christ, in order to raise them to become fathers because it will take a father to
fully disobey the father of lies.

You can transact with what will make you celestial. Your attitude to the faith matters. The
vehicle for ascension is light. Faith, hope and charity are the lights that make up Christ. The
power of God is what raises a soul to trap the light called Christ. If a man can access the life of
Christ, he will become dissatisfied with everything except the light of eternal life; the good and

perfect gift. Angels have been able to help man access that light of Christ and by God’s grace,
men now have that formation of Christ in them.

Men are now looking for more than Christ. Men who have overcome the world and are still
overcoming the world, want to do more than overcome the world. They just don’t want to escape
the corruption of the world through lust, they want to partake of a nature which fully overcomes
corruption. A nature that will make them become incorruptible. A nature that will see them
pleasure the Father like Jesus did in those three and half years.

Our Lord Jesus Christ from the age of 12 to 20, grew into the wisdom called Christ. Christ is that
stature called the wisdom and the power of God. From 20 to 30, they began to give Him the
things of everlasting life and in those last 3 and half years, He began to keep the commandments
of that life and He kept them fully until He became a Father. That is why He could call God His
God because He had fulfilled all of everlasting life and God rewarded Him with eternal life.

God made up His mind to give us what He gave Jesus immediately Jesus aligned at Gethsemane
and emptied Himself at the cross: the first allocation of things to make us escape from the
corruption of the world through lust and bring us to a place where we can seek things that are
above. They want to bring men who will have that Christ formation (Colossians 3:2).

They want us to experience the resurrection of the dead. They want us to be seated where Jesus
is seated – at His right hand. As a reason for what we are hearing, a choice is being left to go all
the way even if we are led through the wilderness and empty ourselves.

(1 John 2:6-7) One of the things that the Lord is doing is to expire darkness that will limit us as
a company. There is a company that must mount Zion but there is a class of spirits difficult to
resist without transacting with these new commandments.

Faith, hope and charity should have become our anthem by now. They should be our meditation
because that is how we will handle and escape the corruption in the world through lust – the
darkness of this world. That is how we will handle thoughts and imaginations.

We should arrest any thought that is contrary to Christ because we are required to get to that full
age of Christ and then doors will be opened. We would then be able to process the thoughts from
the world to come.

We should be delighted to serve one another. The backlogs of dealings that we escaped is
limiting us from having the posture and the frame to take higher commandments and take higher
truth. But the Lord in His wisdom keeps returning to all those things: that terrain of faith, hope
and charity because many get stuck there.

There will be warfares to continue and at such a season, you shouldn’t slow down because those
who slow down end up stuck on the journey. They exercise a right that God did not give them.

We’re in possession of some things that make up all things or the new things in Christ. By
handling and treasuring those things, we have some conversations that we find in our midst. In
this kind of company, there is always something found in our midst that you don’t find in many
other companies because of the riches that are in Christ. We are in possession of some of those
things; they are the things that make up a new man. It is risky not to keep fighting because if you
don’t collect all new things, spirits will come and collect what you have previously collected.

(1 John 2:18-19) The feast of faith, hope, charity births little children. They are those who by
God’s grace, have been admitted into the kingdom of Christ. They are those who are particular to
keeping the commandments streaming from everlasting life that will help them perfect charity
and become young men who can keep those commandments of everlasting life until they become

There are three warfares that await the believer: the flesh, the antichrist and the god of this
world. The antichrist is satan in measure. We need the Christ formation to fight the antichrist
because he is a contrary Christ. That is why we must perfect charity. We must become young
men. Young men are those who have gradually comprehended the Word of God and their
judgments are being raised to become Fathers.

The Lord wants to seal everyone. If you don’t continue with what you’re hearing, you can
become an antichrist and become a vessel in the hands of the enemy. God is putting things in this
atmosphere to limit spirits that come to take from the flock. Anything that can combat with your
feeding is not ordinary.

(Psalm 24:3) It is like a forced rest when they can expire carnality in us. When they equip us
with the righteousness that is in Christ Jesus. They raise a man that they’ve collected old things
from and because of this, they give him new things so that he can relate with all things of God
and prepare for the season of perfection.

What qualifies us to receive what Jesus received is because of our sinful flesh. God wants to
raise us to a place where we believe what Jesus believed in thirty years. We will believe things
that are not seen until we become an elite of that world. It is a mystery to angels that flesh can
take everlasting life.

Time is the real resource. They are giving us time so we can give them back the time like our
Lord Jesus -‘I must do the work of the Father while it is day’. We must do the works of the
Father till we possess every measure of everlasting life while it is day. For there cometh a time
when no man can work.

(Matthew 3:17) After Jesus had fulfilled all righteousness, the Father said ‘This is my beloved
Son in whom I am well pleased’. That was a justification in the spirit, a certification. He had
gained mastery of disobeying the world and had gotten everlasting life. The proof that you are
now believing the Son for everlasting life is that you successfully believe the Lord for that Christ

Overcoming the world continues in the realm of thoughts. By the time we’re furnished with
Christ, we will be undressed of thoughts that are contrary to Christ; thoughts that are of the
antichrist, thoughts that satan has savored for men to love. We need to be separated from
thoughts that defile. Overcoming the world is overcoming thoughts because the world cannot

manifest its evil but by thoughts. That is why we need to be built up in Christ; it is a stature that
is above the thoughts of this world.

(Psalm 24:3-5) The reason for standing in the holy place is to receive something that is in the
most holy. You overcome vanity so that you can overcome the god of vanity; you overcome the
world so you can overcome the god of this world. It will take a Father to ultimately overcome the
Father of lies.

God is awesome and His awesomeness was manifest when Jesus completed this course. We must
make sure to complete this course. We have ascended this mountain, we must not turn down. We
will receive things that will enable us to mount further unto the zenith of the mountain where
God comes to perfect stones in Zion. We must remain on this mountain until we receive all the
shining of the light of God; until we become Fathers.


This is a great season.

We must come to a place where we experience the word that has been spoken to us. This
experience is a comprehension, not just a comprehension as in hearing in the first or second
instance but to hear until it enters us.

The Father is farther than Jesus. You pray to the Father in the name of Jesus. But you can talk to
Jesus. Having koinonia with the Lord is not just sitting and talking, it is a heart to heart
communication; He pulls on the strings of your heart and you also have the privilege to pull on
His. When you grow in fellowship, you grow in experience.

Anyone who has a fellowship with the Lord will have fellowship one another with brethren
because fellowship with the Lord will teach you charity, brotherly kindness etc. Without these

things, you can’t effectively have fellowship with the Lord. Because the Lord is also brethren. If
we don’t have fellowship with our brethren, it blocks our fellowship with the Lord.

When we are learning Christ, our heart will be built to have a large heart towards brethren. That
large heart towards brethren is so that we can fellowship with the Lord. Your brethren can stop
your fellowship with the Lord. You not being careful in offending your brother or not being
mindful when you offend your brother can stop your fellowship with the Lord.

The reason for this fellowship is Life. Life is given in fellowship. The essence of fellowship is
transfer of life. You will not be enriched with the life of Christ if you don’t stay in fellowship
with Him. To stay in fellowship with Him, some of the things commanded is that we love one
another, forgive one another, cherish the presence of one another.

When we perfect charity, we have moved from death to life. The essence is what it does to our
heart. It is not about that person, it is about our fellowship with the Lord. What can stop our
being rich in Christ is our fellowship with our brethren. The reason for this fellowship is for
cleansing. When we are obeying the commandments of love, fellowship is taking place and we
are being cleansed. Your fellowship with your spouse can hinder your fellowship with the Lord.

You won’t be able to come into fellowship with the Lord without being taught. They will preach
and teach Christ; and commandments after this order will also come and as you obey these
commandments, you will grow in life. You need to grow in life because that is how you redeem
the time because the days are evil. They have to give us life; piles and piles of life has to be
downloaded in our soul and this can’t be if you have not yet obeyed the commandments at that

Fellowship with the Father first comes by revelation; teaching. Things will be delivered first by
the preaching of it, but when it is coming, don’t assume that you have received it. Wait, keep
hearing and hearing and it will get to a place where it will land.

We are in a season where God wants to bring that aspect of Him that is the Father. The church
has to know the Father; the knowledge of the Father is what holds the key to everlasting life. The
knowledge of the Father seals the church against evil, wickedness; it is a seal the church must
come into. The Father will grant permission; He will cause by reason of some people who have
come to know the Father, to keep the knowledge of Christ on earth to reach the church.

Satan is fighting the knowledge of Christ, he is fighting the way. (Genesis 6:12) God can’t come
without His way. The corruption wrought by satan wasn’t just in man, it was that all flesh had
corrupted his way upon earth; this way is the way in the heart of man. Preparation of way is to
prepare hearts. If you corrupt the way, it means you want to fight God; you will move God. That
way is the way of God upon the earth; this way is how God will come on the earth; this earth is
man. Way is very important.

God will raise fathers. Fathers are custodians of ways; they hold and know the way and they will
keep the way. The knowledge of the Father will birth custodians of the way of God. The
knowledge of Christ will not be preserved on the earth if fathers are not raised.

Father prepares you to enter into the everlasting realm. When God raised Moses, He raised a
father (Exodus 23:20). One of the things Abraham didn’t lack when he was on earth was angelic
visitations. Activities of angels will increase when fathers are raised. The ability and wisdom of
fathers is entertaining angels. You learn it by first entertaining strangers and one another. You
can’t entertain angels if you’re not a father, because you won’t be able to discern them. There are
angels of the way and they won’t come if there are no fathers. They won’t have people that will
work hand in hand with them.

Moses was also an angel. Every angel (among men) is a father. It takes an angel to work with an
angel. It takes a lot to raise a father. In the book of Revelations, the angel of the church in
Ephesus is a man but has been raised to be a father. That angel is a father. He is given that title,
‘Angel’ because of the fatherhood he came into. Moses was raised into a high angel to the extent
that he was a god to pharaoh. He was raised to keep the children in the way.

Fathers are easily entreated and meek. When hurt, talked against or stabbed, they will not
retaliate or yield ground until Christ has gone into the body. It takes such men to take Christ to
the church. The knowledge of the everlasting God is what will raise fathers. Fathers can manage
things. Moses was raised to keep the children of Israel in the way. For you to get to the Father,
you need to be kept in the way. If you get out of the way, you won’t be able to get to the Father.

(Exodus 23:20) There is the way and there is the place. The place is the Father. The Father’s
blessing is the Father; He embodies blessing. You can’t approach God if you’re not a father. The
Father is blessed. One privilege we have is we can call him Father; angels don’t call him Father,
they know Him as God, Lord and other names. ‘Father’ was something that was kept for
inheritance. The reason for Fatherhood is for blessing to come to church.

The Fatherhood dimension of God is the relational side of God. You can’t approach God as God;
you will burn, so He has something in Him that is ‘Father’. Only Fathers can connect the
dimension of God as the Father. The Father Himself is a blessing. Father will always raise
fathers. God our heavenly Father, raised for us the everlasting Father in the person of our Lord
Jesus Christ. In knowing fatherhood, we have to know Jesus as Father.

(Psalm 90:1) The Father is the dwelling place. There is the way and there is the place. The
Father will send fathers to keep you in the way and bring you to a place that He has prepared for
you. Fathers understand the way and the ancient landmarks, to keep you in the way and make
sure you walk circumspectly. God speaks to Fathers, that is why they are blessings.

(John 14:1- 9) Our Lord Jesus Christ is a Father that has a Father. He is a Father sent by the
Father to bring children; to keep them in the way and bring them to a place that He has prepared
for them. Jesus is the everlasting Father, He wants us to come to where he is. It will take a Father
to prepare places.

In the scriptures, when you see the Lord talking about the abode and the final destination, He is
no more Christ, he is the Father. You come into the mystery of Christ, Father and God by

The words are works. How the Father dwells in us is by works. He does a work in us: a weaving
and raising with everlasting substances, raising you to be a father and He dwells in you. Through
knowledge, the Lord can weave us into Christ and He can weave us with everlasting substances
till He weaves the father.

There are works that will not be seen yet until fathers are raised, because fathers are the works of
God. They can’t work the work of a father in a man who has not seen Christ as the Father.
Heaven wants to raise works, these works are everlasting in nature.

1st Tongues & Interpretation

Fight, Fight, Fight! For many of these speakings and these declarations that have even been
coming to you at this time is to gird you, is to shut you so that you can fight a good warfare. So
that you can fight as a soldier, so that you can fight even as a soldier. For there are yet many
many things that will come to draw you. There are many many things that will come to pull you.
There are many many things that will come to contend with the faith that you are hearing. There
are yet many many adversaries. Your warfare is even in the place of hearing. You have to stay
and hear, you have to stay and hear for even as you keep hearing, as you keep hearing this word
of truth, you will develop strength, you will develop height, you will develop strength and might
so that you can fight even as a soldier. So stay and hear, stay and hear, fight earnestly for the
faith that has been delivered and is still coming unto you. Fight earnestly for this faith. Hear the
doctrine, hear the speakings, hear the declarations, hear the many many unveilings that have
been coming to you as a company, for this is where your victory lies: in the place of hearing.
Stay and hear so that you might war a good warfare.

2nd Tongues & Interpretation

Many many warfares, many many fightings for you to stand strong. You have to stand strong
even to war well. For indeed all of these warnings are to prevent you from ascending. All of these
warfares is to prevent you from coming up, coming up, for they want to stop your ascending.
They want to stop your journey, they want to stop your ascending. Oh they are after this, they’re
after that journey, they want to stop that journey. But I want you as good soldiers of Christ, I
want you to put on the armour of God. I want you to put on the whole armour of God to fight this
warfare, for there is a warfare. Contend earnestly for this faith so that you can get to the
promise, so that you can even get to God, you have to be girded, so that you can get even into

3rd Tongues & Interpretation

I want to open up even the person of the Father, and that is what I’ve been doing at this time. So
I will be bringing many speakings, many many speakings, many declarations even after the
person of who I am. I have been speaking about the place where I am, for I abide in a place, for I
abide. I am made up of something, substances that are even everlasting. I am made up of
everlasting substances and that is why I have even started bringing everlasting substances to you
in this realm. That is why I have been bringing everlasting speakings so that fathers can be
raised, so that Fathers can be raised even amidst you. For indeed, I have set some and I’ve
ordained some. Some have even come into this phase; your father, your father, your father who is
even pioneering this work has come even into a place. He has come even into a place and yet
that is why many speakings are coming concerning that realm because I want to raise many. But
I will start from the brim; I will start even from the brim. Become Christ, learn Christ, learn the
conversation. Learn the nature and conversation of Christ even as I open everlasting things to
you. Learn Christ so that you can be rooted and grounded and you can indeed come into the end.
The end is the place of the everlasting.