Season of the Spirit (14/02/2021)
Pastor Laide (Exhortation)
It is a day of blessings, a time of mercies.
(Ephesians 1:1-3) God does not bless anybody outside of Christ. There is no blessing that God
gives outside of Christ. To be truly blessed of God, a soul must be inchristed: we must be
founded in Christ. Everything and anything a soul receives outside of Christ is not tantamount to
What is blessing? Blessing is an imputation upon the soul so that the soul can advance. It is the
grace of God bestowed upon a soul to move forward, to migrate upwards. Outside of Christ, a
man truly does not move forward. The proof of a life that has not received mercy is when that
soul grows in the wrong direction. It is better if one goes slowly in life and arrives at the right
destination. The lives of many people are headed in the wrong direction. It is mercy to receive
speed in the right path that is profitable to life. God doesn’t bless a man outside the economy of
Christ. What a carnal man can receive without God is not a blessing. To truly come to blessing,
it must be something that man cannot give.
(Matthew 16:17) We are not truly blessed until we receive that which man cannot give. True
blessing cannot occur without revelation. For Jesus to call you blessed, you’re blessed. He
knows what true blessing is.

The blessings in the terrain of God are not corruptible things as gold or silver (Colossians 2:1-3).
What a Christian treasures are not corruptible things. In the world today, what men treasure is
dependent on what their soul has put value on. The treasure of the kingdom cannot be
evaluated (Acts 20:29-30).
The soul can go to any length to get followership. The way the kingdom makes men rich is
different. You can get everything in this world and yet, you are not blessed. You’re empty.
The rich young ruler was rich, young and had power. He came to Jesus who had no place to lay
His head and asked, “What good thing must I do to inherit eternal life?” He knew that eternal life
was outside his grip and he had not comprehended it (Luke 18:18-22).
There is a poverty in the soul of man even if he has gained every single thing in the world.
There are things that money cannot buy.
There are treasures in the Word. You can find them and not have broken into Christ. If you are
not willing to sell all that you have, you will never be able to follow Him. Christ is what
improvises us of all that we have gained.

The question is “Do I want to inherit eternal life?”. There are principles we will keep in scriptures
that will make you rich materially. By keeping such things, you can attain heights in the natural
that are high and lofty before men. Yet, there is still emptiness because the soul has not laid
hold on that which matters most.
We were raised to grow and attain things in the natural. Only few were raised to pursue life in
the spirit or to pursue that which is eternal. The reason why we cannot lay hold on eternal life is
because we don’t want to be poor. Things we have gained as a reason of following the world,
we must let them go because they will obscure our sight from seeing that which is true.
To be able to see what is truly eternal in its true essence, we must be stripped of everything.
When we first believed, we were filled with nothingness and superfluity of nothingness. By the
time Christ deals with us, we will now begin to see what true treasure is. God must help our soul
to be meek to relinquish everything we have held before Christ. Until then, revelation will not
come. Revelation is a blessing that God gives you to see Christ, Father and God. Anything
outside that, amounts to nothing (in context of scriptures). Revelation is to be able to sight
Christ, Father and God.
(Colossians 2:2-3) Inside of the mysteries of God, Father and Christ are hid all of the true
treasures a soul can ever live for. When God opens our eyes to understanding, we’re being
made rich in the true sense of it. Our soul needs to be helped. There is something that happens
to us when we begin to see true riches. No matter what you have gained in the world, if you
don’t have that which is everlasting, or eternal, it is great sorrow. The world can bring fame,
name, gain but if it can’t give you that which is everlasting, you have shortchanged yourself.
Trust God with your life, let it go. If you are holding on to a conviction so strong, you won’t see
that which is eternal.

Rev. Mrs. Helen Oyegoke (Message)
The Father is an everlasting Father. Our Father is an everlasting Father. God is everlasting, He
is eternal. God has in Himself stratas and levels of life. When God is looking at man, He is
looking at man that He wants to bless. He wants to bring blessings to mankind. God is so good.
God is mindful of us all. His mind is full of us. His thoughts are about us: how He can bless us.
One of the greatest attributes of eternal life is the giving nature of eternal life. It is never tired of
giving. When He was going to demonstrate His nature, (John 3:16) – ‘For God so loved the
world, that He gave His only begotten Son’. That is the attribute of His person.
(1 John 4:9-10) Herein is the love of God demonstrated towards us. God sent His son into the
world so that we might live through Him. We were living a natural life but there is a life that is
beyond the natural life. Man has a kind of life that he is living that makes him a victim, in a
disadvantaged position.

Everlasting life is the life that is in the Father, a kind of life that the Father has. Because of the
love the Father has, He wants man to come into that kind of life. When we look at everlasting
life, we see statures, raisings. God wants man to come to that state by the giving of everlasting
life. He wants man to cease from being ordinary, low level and from being a mere man. A man
without everlasting life is an ordinary and low level man.
True blessing is that which adds to your stature, improves your person, becomes a part of you,
raises you, adds to you, makes you to appreciate, turns you to an everlasting being; that is real
blessing. When we look at our Lord Jesus Christ, we get an understanding of what blessing is
all about, the real blessing.
The real blessing is the blessing of stature that raises a man, that turns a man from being an
ordinary and mere man and makes him an eternal entity. A man that doesn’t pass away; that is
the real blessing.

(Isaiah 9:6-7) This was a prophecy of Jesus before He was born. This was a prophecy of our
Lord Jesus Christ who is a pattern for every child that is born. The zeal of God performed it in
Him. The child was born not because of Himself but because of us. A child was born and
became everlasting Father. He came to show us how to get there. He was God in His eternal
past, He was everlasting. He had no need for everlasting life in the beginning; He was God. As
God, He had eternal life. But because they desire that man come to where they are, what
manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God.
There is a way we are supposed to be. There is something they want us to come into, that is
why unto us a child was born. It has not appeared what we are to be like. There is a way we are
supposed to be; some things are responsible for these things: substances.
When we got born again, we were born as children but God wants us to migrate to become
everlasting. Knowledge is what makes a father. When you know Him that is of the beginning,
then you have trapped the knowledge of everlasting life.
(Psalm 45:1) It is a work, the king in this verse is a work. “Being made so much better than the
angels as he hath obtained a more excellent name than they”. This inheritance is everlasting
substances. Those are the things He inherited.
(Psalm 45:2) The children of men are ordinary and not fair. They’re not good because of the
things that make them up. They have things that are not good making them up. God is
interested in making them good. He loves them so much that He wants to make them good.
(Psalm 45:2) The blessings that the Father blessed Jesus with made Him fairer than the
children of men. His Father blessed Him forever. He became an everlasting entity forever. He
doesn’t diminish, change, perish, nor corrupt. They blessed Him with incorruptible things that

made Him a forever being. This is what God wants to give to man. Everlasting life will make you
not to perish.
Why did God give us His only begotten Son? Because He has blessed His only begotten Son
with everlasting substances. He wasn’t born as a Son, He came to the world as a child. How do
you give sonship? You give substances of everlasting life. A son is He who has trapped
everlasting substances. Until He becomes a son, he cannot be named. He has no name, no
identity, What He was given defined him. What gives you a name are the substances that are
given to you.
Without everlasting substances, you remain nameless, you can’t be defined. In the heavenlies,
they look at you and ask “who is this? What is he carrying?” You are defined by the substances
you carry. Everybody carries things. A mere man is defined by substances. What makes him
mere and ordinary are the substances that made him up. He is still carrying the things of a mere
man. A man has things. The things of a man knoweth no man but the spirit of the man; and the
things of God knoweth no man except the spirit of God. Men have things that make them up,
God also has things that make Him up.
God is interested in giving man His own substances so that man can change state, come up,
appreciate, be named and man can become fair. This is what He did to our Lord Jesus Christ.
God is full of zeal. God is so desperate about bringing to pass that prophecy of a child becoming
everlasting Father and his everlastingness is to establish men. Zeal is a strong passion and
desire to accomplish a thing. God is so zealous to raise man from the dust, to make him sit on
the throne. When Jesus was raised, He had a throne that He sat on because of the giving of
everlasting substances that made him everlasting Father.
You should be dissatisfied with your state everytime. Until you have arrived at everlasting life,
don’t be satisfied. Every state below the everlasting state is not a state of rest.
Man should only rest when he has entered everlasting life. God is not resting, so why should
you rest? The reason men rest is because they are not seeing above their noses. If a man sees
that his state is not good at all, that he is at a disadvantaged state, he will not rest. Your state
makes you a victim to spirits. Jesus Christ didn’t rest, yet He learnt obedience by the things He
suffered. Everlasting substances made Him perfect. He didn’t want to die because everlasting
life is the vaccination against death. If you don’t have everlasting life, you can perish, even with
the fact that you are born again, you can perish. A man can perish in spite of being born again.
God wants us to progress and press into everlasting life. When we got born again, we did not
have everlasting life. Jesus said ‘I know my sheep, my sheep hear me, they follow me and I give
them everlasting life’. When we got born again, we were still goats in our souls. You need
messages to convert you to a sheep. A sheep follows naturally. You have to become Christ to
become a sheep; it is a conversion that makes you meek and malleable for the purpose of
receiving everlasting life.

Everlasting life has a process. Everlasting life is not given automatically. It is learnt and
inherited. God wants us to labour. Nobody is really aspiring to appreciate in life but God gave
His only begotten Son that we might live through Him. The reason for giving us His Son out of
His love is so that we can live. Living means appreciating, it means growing. When you are
growing, you are becoming alive. They grow you with life. The Son of God is He who gives
everlasting life because what made Him up is everlasting life. He was born as a child but
trapped everlasting life.
Where God wants us to come to is that place of everlasting; where we will trap everlasting
substances. To trap everlasting life, you need to first of all trap the life that is in Christ. There are
prerequisites for trapping everlasting life. You must trap the light of Christ that is in the Son.
Sons of God are heirs of everlasting life. There is a sonship you come into when you learn
Christ. Christ is a son without everlasting life, He has his own kind of life.
Everlasting substances have higher demands, they don’t permit your things. They dispossess
you to possess you; so they first introduce you to Christ. Your hope is redefined in Christ; before
you started learning Christ, your hope was earthly. We were miserable men because all our
hopes started here and ended here. All miserable men live for is here. Substances that made
them up are perishable substances.

Perishing is not just dying but being spoilt, corruptible. A miserable man is a man that lives only
for this world. Abraham was a miserable man. It took journeying in God for him to be able to see
far and to begin to desire a city whose builder and maker is God. When God met Abraham, all
he was asking God for was an heir. He had no hope, desire or aspirations beyond the sky.
There is a hope beyond the sky. God wanted to give him a hope beyond the sky, but it took
time. He led him, dealt with him, instructed him. God wanted to give him a name and had to
dispossess him of all he had put around him.
There is a way we arrange and help ourselves by putting things around us to give us a name, a
status, an acceptance, to give us things that will perish. All our efforts to improve ourselves end
with withering; just a change of season or policy and everything withers away. A blessing that
can disappear with change of policy is no blessing. A blessing that is determined by the season
of men is no blessing.
The real blessing is that which alters your gene, your person and this blessing remains forever;
come rain, come shine, you’re blessed. Even death does not change it. That blessing can follow
you beyond the grave. It is the stature you have acquired by reason of substances.
You can have all these blessings and not have a car; our lord Jesus Christ was an example. He
borrowed things while on earth and still ascended to sit on the right hand of the majesty on high.
All the things He borrowed did not deprive Him of sitting on the throne. What made Him tick is
not ownership of things. What will take a man to the throne is not what a man is panting after.
You feel empty when you don’t have ownership of things.

Jesus Christ was so contented with having everlasting life that He didn’t seek any other thing.
He didn’t bother Himself with other things, not because He couldn’t have them, but He just knew
their place. He knew that these things don’t make a man tick. Even angels will not seek these
things (carnal things); even Satan does not want it. Angels are attracted to things (these things
angels desire to look into), they desire to look into the substances of everlasting life because
they are substances of salvation but man that God promised these things desires something
else, things that perish. These things have hooked our souls that is why, to start with, we have
to be introduced to Christ.
In Christ, you begin to learn faith. In Christ’s training, it will look like you are being denied of
those things.
God doesn’t hate you but He is trying to take you through a path that will make you
deemphasize carnal things. He will train your heart to be content, to not want to run the rat race;
grace and the energy to run that race will be taken from you. When He wants to train you with
everlasting things, it will look like He is depriving you from things that perish. When you start
complaining, He then begins to bring Christ’s judgements.
Learning Christ is not just learning scriptures. It consists of leadings and dealings that will
inculcate in you values and laws that made up Christ. If you don’t learn Christ well, you can
never understand everlasting life. When we lack things that we think will make us tick, we feel
embarrassed. Somebody lied to us that those are the things that make us tick. Only the
revelation of Christ can correct it.

Jesus Christ knew He was trapping better substances that defined Him. When a man talks
about elevation, all he is talking about is shoes, clothes, cars, houses; but Jesus said labour not
for the meat that perishes, rather labour for the meat that endureth unto everlasting life. Kenneth
Hagin said the more spiritual a man is becoming, the less emphasis he places on the natural.
When the natural is still your emphasis, you are not spiritual and the only substances that can
make a man spiritual are the substances of Christ. Christ is the bridge between the natural man
and the everlasting man. A carnal man must take Christ to make him spiritual because it is only
a spiritual man that can take everlasting substances. The things of the spirit of God, a carnal
man cannot receive them, they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them.
You can’t come into everlasting life without knowledge and comprehension. Your
comprehension must have been overhauled by Christ knowledge and learning. Christ must
have quickened your understanding to comprehend spiritual things because you will be seeing
Christ by revelation. Your ability for revelation is sharpened by Christ. Christ is given by
revelation. Christ comes to change your carnal mindset, comes to slow you down from the race
you are running.
Your natural age as a man can determine your desires and goals. God wants to correct that
heart. When the heart is corrected, your chase and pursuit will be corrected. The things that

disturb and give men sleepless nights and depression are not the things that should be
disturbing us.
Everlasting life is an asset, a solid blessing – with or without the other things. Being able to see
things that are not natural makes your regard for natural things begin to fade. In Christ, we are
being helped to walk by faith not by sight; and you begin to do so by dealings and leadings. The
reason for the dealing is to trap everlasting substances. When you learn Christ and you do His
commandments, you do everlasting thoughts and everlasting judgements which a carnal man
cannot comprehend. Christ must have been formed in you by the reason of revelation and
understanding, you begin to evaluate life after the spiritual.
God is faithful, “Your Father knoweth that you have need of these things”. We think God doesn’t
know or cares. You will learn in Christ to be content with what you have. You become
uncomfortable when it becomes too much. When you have been tutored in Christ, you value
other things less. You will be trained in Christ with desire for things that can endure. By the time
you finish learning Christ, you begin to pant for more of God. Only Christ can pant for
everlasting life. Then, you are separated from the world.
The world holds souls bound and prevents them from appreciating; souls of even believers.
Don’t define yourself by the way the world defines you. The life of a man does not consist in the
abundance of life which he possesses. When God loves you, He can seem to deny you some
things, but He is not denying you. Rather, He is setting you up for some blessings; raising you
for a blessing and giving you enduring substances. He wants to raise you into a man that can
approach God; a man that God can be his God.

(Hebrews 11:13-16) Preaching makes you see, gives you sight; creates another type of vision,
you see beyond what you have been seeing before, you see beyond the paintings the devil has
used to limit you. He has limited us with the natural; we can die for the natural. We get
unsettled, confused and don’t rejoice because we are not seeing beyond our two eyes.
What are you seeking? Earth that is passing away and waxing old? God is ashamed of men
who refuse to evolve from being natural to being spiritual and go on to be everlasting. God is a
God of everlasting men because God is an everlasting God; everlasting Father. He cannot God
mere men. God is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; these men were seeking everlasting
things. God wants us to pant after everlasting substances because they are more real than a
limousine. They can make a man to be accepted by God. A man that has trapped everlasting
life is a man that is pleasing to God; he is a blessed man.
After we have seen Christ, we see that there is something more than Christ. A spiritual man
knows that he can still perish. Everlasting substances are substances of salvation. Salvation
comprises of everlasting life and eternal life. The introduction to the holiest is the introduction to
everlasting life.

Everlasting life and substances are the things you inherit. You inherit everlasting substances by
knowledge; knowledge of a person that has trapped everlasting life, that same person trapped
Christ. It is Christ that became the everlasting Father. Before He can give you His everlasting
substances, He will give you His Christ dimension.
Christ is a working of God, made with substances and things that comprise thoughts and
judgements which the Father taught Him. The Father gave life to the Son by knowledge. The
Father is the originator of everlasting and eternal life. He showed His Son Himself. You can’t
come into everlasting life without knowledge and that knowledge is the knowledge of a Person
who has trapped the life. What you know about Him are the judgements they used to raise Him
and give Him life.
(John 10:15) Everlasting judgements. By the time Jesus was going to the Father, He had
become an everlasting Father himself. A carnal man cannot comprehend eternal life and
everlasting substances so he has to be raised to be spiritual. Everlasting life is for a spiritual
man who has learnt Christ and has done Christ. You must finish Christ before you qualify for
everlasting life.

(John 10:15) The result of knowledge is judgement in obeying the commandments of the
Father. (John 12:49 -50) Everlasting life is communicated by speakings and words of
everlasting life. Anyone that will trap everlasting life must be someone who must be ready to
hear words. Salvation is the giving of everlasting life. Salvation comes by preaching and
teachings. You must hear words and inside the words you hear are things to do. Words that are
being spoken to communicate everlasting life are words that will give you judgements, thoughts,
ways of the everlasting Father so that you also can walk in them.
Everlasting life is not for quoting and claiming. The process for receiving is hearing and doing
and you don’t do things anyhow, you do what you hear. You can’t hear everlasting substances
except you have been raised to be spiritual. If not, it won’t make sense to you. A carnal man
loves his life more than anybody’s life. But for the process of everlasting life, If you keep your
life, you will lose it. If you lose your life, you will gain it to everlasting life.
Knowledge of the Father gives you commandments; they command you by understanding.
Anything you understand is a commandment for you to go and do. Understanding is not for
shining but for you to do; anyone that hears and doeth is blessed in all his works. (James
1:22-25).Perfect law of liberty is the law of everlasting life. You hear, see with your eyes, look
upon it and handle; you inherit it and it becomes your own.
Jesus rose from among men and became fairer by doing everlasting substances. God will not
bless a man who doesn’t do His judgements. The blessing you will be given is the blessing of
everlasting life that comes as a result of you doing a high judgment. In Christ, they teach you
how to lay your life down: which is the law of charity. We are taught not to look on our own
things but to look on the things of others. We must be awake and sensitive to other people’s
needs. You learn to die to self in Christ.

Christ is a compulsory learning for those who will take everlasting life. Everlasting standards are
higher than the standards of Christ but Christ is a training ground. The height of the knowledge
of the Father is that you know that the Father is a sacrifice. The Son grew up to become an
eternal sacrifice. Being an everlasting Father, the laws that made him up are the laws of
everlasting life. He agreed to be a Son. In the eternal past, He wasn’t a son. It was for the
purpose of redemption that He became a Son and eternally, He remains a Son. He has a Father
and a God. Eternally, He submitted to God; that is what is called beauty in the spirit. If you’re not
able to come under, you’re not beautiful, you’re not fair and have not been raised by good
When we only feel comfortable being the one leading, it is not right, that is not the order of
everlasting life. In everlasting life, they submit to one another. The Father calls the Son, God.
The Son calls the Father my God and my Father; what level of humility is that? He was crafted
by substances, that is why He is higher than angels by inheritance. Everlasting life and
everlasting substances is the inheritance. The inheritance made Him submit eternally.
Jesus is an Everlasting Father but is subject to His Father. He is a product of everlasting
substances. He is so high yet so low. He could take the position by his Father because what He
learnt about the Father is that the Father is a sacrifice. He is not living for Himself but for the
world. He has a zeal to raise men to the everlasting status. His mind is full of men to raise them
to everlasting status.

Purpose is to trap everlasting life; to become like the Son who was born to us as a child, who
was given to us as a Son.
(Isaiah 9:6-7) This scripture is a prophecy of our life. It has been fulfilled in Christ but yet to be
fulfilled in us. The everlasting Father is waiting to make this prophecy real in our lives. When
everlasting men appear, the way they will live will be a sign. When a man grows to a point
where he can lay down his life, that is a great sign because men are naturally selfish.
You learn Christ. Use your brethren to practice for everlasting life. Be concerned, think about
others. It shouldn’t be all about yourself. When God is training you, He stretches you beyond
your natural limit. But yield to it because you are going to a place where you will trap everlasting
life. It’s all of your life that will be collected from you, not some of it, so they begin to train us little
by little. The Lord is trying to deemphasize attachments and values you place on things in your
The blessings of obedience remain with you. You don’t acquire life without obedience. The
blessing of obedience raises you. It is from one obedience to the other. When you obey one,
you are ready to obey a higher one. If a man be a hearer and a doer, such a man is blessed.
The child became everlasting Father by obedience. He obeyed everlasting substances and
judgements and the end of that judgement is that you lay down your life. They teach you

Don’t lose life because of what will perish, no matter how beautiful a thing is, it will perish. There
is nothing under the earth that will not perish but we obey the commandments of life and we
deny ourselves of having that thing, we will appreciate and grow. You have to be better than
things, unless you will be compromising laws of everlasting life for things that will perish;
anytime you choose things, you will lose life.
Allow God to think and plan for you. You will pant after that which does not pass away.
You need everlasting life, you need eternal life. If you are carnal, you need the life that is in
Christ. The greatest need that a man has is how he will become fairer than the children of men.
That is the expectation of God from man. The things we call our needs are really not our needs.
How well can you plan for yourself? You can’t arrange your life the way God will arrange it.
Focus on getting what He is giving you freely. You don’t need to raise money to get eternal life;
all you need to do is hear, do and become better. Change, appreciate, be spiritual then become
everlasting, then eternal and you would have made God glad.
Our goal is supposed to be to trap everlasting life.
God should deal with your heart, by understanding, so you can arrive at certain conclusions – by
understanding, not by ‘macho’. You can turn your back on things a natural man will run into.
That is a demonstration of strength.

1st Tongues & Interpretation
Glory! Glory! Glory! I’m a Father of glory, glory. I stay in the place of glory, I am seated in the
place of glory. I am seated even in the realm of glory, I am seated in that place which is eternal,
that place that is everlasting, that place that is everlasting. I have come even to sit in that place
and to show you that place, and to spell out that place even to you. I have come to open up that
place, I have come to open it up so that you might see the place where I am speaking from, so
that you can see the person I am made up of. I am made up of eternal substances. I am an
everlasting Father, I am everlasting substances, I am everlasting nature. I am everlasting
substances and I have come to show you this everlasting life. I have come to show you this
everlasting life. I will open it up, I will open it up. For I am seated even to show you this way.

2nd Tongues & Interpretation
Longings, longings, desires, desires to be like. This should be the desires of your heart, this
should be the longings of your heart, this should be your heart panting, this should be your
heart cry: to be like God. To be everlasting, to be made even of eternal substances. You need
to begin to desire and cry out loud to be made of everlasting substances. I want to hear cryings,
groanings. I want to hear groanings.

3rd Tongues & Interpretation
See height, see height, see height, see the height, let your affections be on things which are
above. You need to begin to see height for there is yet a destination. There is a place you need
to journey to. There is yet a place you need to come into. There is yet a place you need to enter,
and that is why I come with blessings of sight, for indeed you will see height, you will see height,
you will desire to come up hither. I come to open your sight. I’ve come to open up your
understanding and many will enter, many many will see and many many will enter. See height,
see height, hasten into height, hasten into height, see height, see.

4th Tongues & Interpretation
I care, I care, I care, I care so much, even so much about you. My caring is even beyond the
natural definition of things. I am a supernatural being; in the supernatural, there is a natural,
even a natural that can take care of all things you think you need. All you need is just to focus
on me. I know what you need per time. I know that which will not sway your soul away from me.
It is not about what you need but about what will make your soul remain in me and not what will
take your soul away from me. What is important is your soul prosperity and I want your soul
prosperity. There is a natural, there is a natural even in the supernatural. There is a natural.
Super has the natural. There is a natural, even it is according to the measurement of your
growth in me. I care about you, I care about you. Take it for what it is, I care about you. No one
cares about you like the way I care. I am a loving Father, I am good, I am good, I am good.

5th Tongues & Interpretation
I desire you to grow even above your need, I desire you to grow even above what you need.
There is a need that is more than that which you think you need. I desire you to grow, I desire
you to grow. There is a need that is more than that which you think you need. There is a need,
there is a need. Focus on me and those things will come. Don’t spend your life on a lie, don’t
spend your life on a lie. I need you, I need your soul even more than that which you think you
need. I need your soul, I need your soul. It is my inheritance, it is my inheritance. I will add to
you. They are just additional. There is nothing in them. I desire you to grow, I desire you to
grow. Even grow above your needs. Seek for growth, seek for growth. I will meet you even at
the point of my need, not your need; what you need is me. I will meet you. I will meet you
according to our expectation; we have an expectation for you. I will meet you even according to
our expectation for you. We are your desire; make this your utmost priority.