Meeting: Sunday Service

Date: 10 Jan, 2021

Sunday School: Receiving & Maintaining your Healing 

Message:      Origin of Sickness and Diseases

Ministers: Pastor Laide Olaniyan & Bro Happy Oseni

Sunday School ( Bro Happy Oseni )

Memory Verse: Acts  10:38 How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.

By God’s Grace in our last study, we established that;

  1. It is possible not only to be healed but also to walk in good health all the days of our natural lives.
  2. It is God’s will we walk in good health, as seen right from the old testament into the new testament.
  3. Jesus bore our sicknesses aside from our sins.
  4. The receiving of Jesus as our deliverer from sin gave us access into the baptism of the Holy Ghost and healing.
  5. Healing is the right of a believer as taught from Mark 16:15-18.

One of the signs to know that the Lord is with us is that we can obtain healing from the Lord.

Origin of Sickness and Disease

Many devoted believers over the years believed that sicknesses are evil and not good, they believed that it can both come from Satan and God. They hold a belief that God could use sickness to humble his children or achieve some goal in the believer’s life. This has incapacitated many who hold this truth from receiving their healing, this thought stems from the ignorance of God’s word. In today’s study we shall look at the very origin of sicknesses and disease and our victory in Christ (Genesis 1:31, James 1:17). Sicknesses and diseases aren’t of the Lord, God didn’t create sickness. God is good and what he created was good, hence it is not a part of God’s creation. God cannot tempt neither tempt him any man with sickness or diseases (James 1:13). Sicknesses is not an instrument of salvation rather it is an aftermath of the fall of man. It is against the purpose of God for man. Believer’s ought to have inner hatred for sickness because it is not the portion of a believer.

Healing is good, good health is good and it is the food of a believer because healing is children’s bread. Symptoms are lies of Satan and we shouldn’t submit our thoughts to sicknesses. As believers, we should generate enough faith against thoughts and symptoms, our response as believers should be by faith. Sickness is by agreement, when you go against it by faith, you break loose from allowing it to have a hold on you. Sicknesses has one answer and that answer is God, thank God we belong to the family of God! (Ephesians 3:15, 1 Peter 2:24). 

The Effect of Adam’s Disobedience (Genesis 3:1-10, Luke 4:6)

The first conversation man had with God after the fall was that of being afraid (fear). Fear was what happened to them after the fall. When it comes to believing God, fear is an enemy that wrestles with us. Now, as a result of Adam’s disobedience, Satan acquired ownership of the earth from him, as seen in the above scripture. Satan manipulated these things and crafted them into darkness, one of the aftermath of this darkness is sickness and diseases. Every sickness and disease originated from Satan, who was the first creature to sin against God because he sinned from the beginning. Sicknesses and diseases are off-shoots or expressions of sin and death, both of which are traceable to Satan. Jesus was manifested to destroy the works of the devil and one of these works is sickness and diseases (1 John 3:8). 

Further Facts That Shows Sickness Came From Satan

Oppression through demonic operations:

Sickness and diseases which can manifest from oppression of the body (Luke 13:10-14) or oppression of the mind, lunatic obsession, depression, epileptic seizure (Mark 5:2-5). From Luke 13:10, you don’t need to go for a deliverance session to be healed from sickness, Jesus was teaching hence we shouldn’t especially doctrine on the basis of healing of sickness and diseases, it is children’s bread! 

We see clearly from the scripture, both old and new testament that God shows displeasure and hatred against sickness, diseases and oppression of the devil, we can also sum up that the source of sicknesses and diseases falls under two laws, sin and death. Sicknesses and diseases primarily emanate from sin and death in all its entirety. Sin in the body and soul makes the body susceptive to sickness. They can also find expression in the body due to disobedience to God’s instructions (3 John 1:2).

Note: Not all sicknesses and diseases are caused by the disobedience of believer’s.

Sicknesses Through Demonic Activities

Sicknesses and diseases can also be caused by the manifest or hidden present of a demon in the body or mind. Some of these operations can be physically violent or not violent (Matthew 8:28). As believers we ought to stay on what the Lord says about us because his thoughts towards us are good (Jeremiah 29:11). When we respond with faith against demons, we should be able to confess our stand too (Romans 10:10).

The Oppression and The Deliverer (Acts 10:38)

Satan oppresses bodies with sickness and diseases either through the sinful nature or by the presence of demons. All sicknesses and diseases are satanic oppression. God has great compassion for mankind because of the helplessness of man in the hand of this wicked spirit. Jesus was anointed with the Holy Ghost and with power by God to heal those that are oppressed of the devil.  Everyone that is sick needs healing and the bible refers to the sickness as oppression of the devil. God in his mercy anointed Jesus to heal all those who are oppressed of the devil and he has also granted us privilege to receive healing by his word and given us the right to heal the sick. This further strengthens the fact that sicknesses and diseases are from the devil. As scriptures read that Jesus is God in action, whatsoever Jesus sees the father doing is what he also does. Jesu was filled with great compassion for the sick and he never looked away from those that keep to him by faith to be healed because that is who the father is. Right from the old testament, we see God’s commitment to the wellbeing of the children of Israel out of the covenant name of God revealed in the bible. God revealed himself as Jehovah Raphal, the Lord that heals to the Israelites. And in the old covenant God made an adequate provision of healing of the body by giving them commandments. Much more in the new testament having better promises God is much more committed to the healing of our body. If God is the author or source of sickness, then his kingdom will not stand because it will be divided against itself, God isn’t healing and causing sickness (Matthew 12:25).  The good news here is that the redemptive work of Jesus brings total cure from these two influences, the work began from the time God anointed Jesus Christ with Holy Ghost and power, he began to demonstrate God’s will concerning sickness and diseases. He also anointed his disciples that by his name healing was wrought.

How Jesus Finished Sickness And Disease (Isaiah 53:3-5, 1 Peter 2:24-24)

Our victory over sickness and diseases was prophesied by prophet Isaiah and Jesus came to fulfil the prophecy. God anointed Jesus Christ and empowered him to bare all the sicknesses and diseases deeply rooted in the human sinful nature, that any man that have or could ever have diseases were bore by him and as he was being beaten both sin and sicknesses were punished and when he was crucified, sin and sicknesses were totally alienated, in the realm of the spirit, everything pertaining to our healing have been accomplished, signed, sealed and declared. He bore humanity’s sins and sicknesses on his body so we wouldn’t need to bear it. In the New Testament, sickness is a thing of the past, which is the reason the bible says you were healed. Jesus through death destroyed Satan (Hebrews 2:14-15, Phillipians 2:11). Jesus in his earthly ministry began also to deal with evil spirits as he was dealing with sickness in the day of his flesh and by authority. He gave power through his name to his disciples to deal with evil spirits and to heal the sick. The final blow against Satan was when he rose from the dead, Satan who has the power of death and under whom all evil spirits submit to has been destroyed. All evil spirits and Satan have been destroyed by Jesus’ victory over sin and death. We have great victory by our Lord, he has been exalted above every other name and we have the power of atonement to use the name of Jesus and every demon has no choice to obey and bow to that name. The weapon of Satan against us is fear, which is a by-product of unbelief. Our victory over sickness and demons have been purchased but we need to stand in faith to make it a reality (Matthew 17:14-20).

Round off by Pastor Laide Olaniyan

What has been thought today is of God. Let God be true and every man a liar. If the things taught today don’t happen to you, it doesn’t mean the scripture is wrong, no! What the scripture says is true regardless of your situation or contradictions around you. Although Jesus didn’t come primarily to heal the sick, there was no one who came to him for healing that he turned down. If you have faith for healing, God cannot deny you, he will respond to faith. Unbelief denials many people from healing (Matthew 13:58). Every christian must know how to pull out reasons in the spirit, plead their case and argue their stand of faith against the lies of the devil. Resist the devil! We should know our rights and privileges and be violent with those spirits that come against them. We ought to declare the word of God boldly. If you will touch people and they will recover, then you as a believer are an embassy of healing (Mark 16:18). Even when sickness comes by disobedience, forgiveness comes along with being healed (James 5:16, Mark 2:5), however, for to access salvation you need to repent, salvation is paramount.

Tongues and Interpretation 1

No room! No room! No room! There is no room for sickness! There is no room for infirmities! There is no room for diseases! For indeed you carry on your body even the mark of the Lord! For indeed you carry on your body even the mark of the Lord! So, there is no room for sickness! There is no room for diseases! There is no room and because of this I say pack your load, pack your baggages and get out, get out, get out, get out, get out! Get out of that body! Get out of that body! Get out of that body! There is no room, there is no place, there is no place for you, get out of that body! Get out of that body! Get out of that body! Get out, no room for you devil! So, pack your bag and baggage and get out! Get out of that body, Saith the Spirit of God!

Tongues and Interpretation 2

Oh freedom! Freedom! Freedom from oppression! Freedom! Freedom! Oh I bring freedom! I bring freedom to as many as have been oppressed by the devil! I bring freedom! I bring liberty! You are free! You are free! You are free! You are set loose! You are set loose, even from barriers, even from strongholds! Oh you are set loose, I free you! Freedom! Freedom! Freedom reigns even in your body! Freedom reigns even in your mind! Freedom reigns even in your soul! Freedom, oh freedom! There is victory! There is victory! You are made free! You are made free even by the power of your Lord Jesus! You are made free! Oh freedom, freedom! Receive your liberty! Receive your liberty, receive your freedom, receive your freedom!

Pastor Laide Olaniyan Cont’d (Manifestation of the Spirit)

I can see spirits climbing off from bodies and running away. I see demons falling off from bodies and running away, there is no room here. There is none feeble among them! The harassment of Satan is gone! Fibroid is gone! The reign of the fibroid is broken forever in Jesus’ name. Amen.  I see it withering!