Season of the Spirit (07/02/2021)

Pastor Laide (Exhortation)

(John 3:16, 1 Timothy 1:16) God showed forth a pattern of longsuffering that is a pattern for everyone that will believe in Him. God does not want anybody to perish but have everlasting life. You have to believe to have it. It doesn’t happen at the beginning of believing. We believe out of perishing and believe unto life everlasting. 

It is a walk, a progression, a continuum. If God wants to open another strata of believing, He sends a person. There is first believing and other believings unto life everlasting. You are not lost. You are on course for salvation, to come into things that are great to be spoken of. We are on course for blessings. To be blessed, you must be a believer. A believer is not just a person that believes once, but one whose pattern is believing. You must keep believing. It is a pattern of life. You must keep believing that which is being revealed. (Hebrews 4) Those that will come into rest must also be believers, they must be able to receive the words that are communicated for their salvation. 

You must be a believer to be blessed. Blessings are spiritual. A preacher is being sent with a mouth to bring about words so that your hearts can be blessed and salvation can come. They can make hearts come alive. When God shows us mercy to bring us to a place in the spirit where we have sent men, women and vessels, the clouds of blessings are gathered and blessings are set to be poured forth.

Pastor Dimeji Elugbadebo

Unveiling Everlasting Commandments For Salvation

1st Tongues & Interpretation

That season has begun: that time we have been looking forward to, that you have hungered and prayed for. I open a new season of entrance. I open even a new season of entrance. I have come to you in Ikorodu, I have come to bring you into things everlasting, into the Oracle. The Oracle that is not ending, the everlasting Oracle. For there is a sound in Ikorodu. It is an everlasting sound, for we have begun to sound it and we are going to bring you into this everlasting sound. It is a season for everlasting things to be sounding everlasting sounds. That season is upon you, for yea we have come to cut covenant to bring many into everlasting.

2nd Tongues & Interpretation

Yea be ye separate, yea be ye separate, yea be ye separate, yea be ye separate. For yea, I put these meals upon this table. I have called you upon this time for you to be separate, be ye separate, be ye separate. I will separate you, I will separate many, I will set you apart, for things, for things, for things. I will set you apart, for yea the holy things, yea I will even set you apart for things that are most holy, most holy, most holy, most sacred, most holy things, most sacred things. Yea I separate you for them, I separate you for them. For these things are not far anymore, they are near you, they are here, they are here, they are accessible, they are here to be accessed, they can be accessible, they can be touched, they can be handled. They can be walked in, for I have brought them to you. Yea, powers are here to separate, powers have come to separate. For I will separate, I will separate, I will separate until I have a holy stock in your midst, until I have a holy stock, a holy stock, I will separate until I have a holy stock in your midst. I will have my holy stock in your midst.

I sense in my spirit that prayers have gone up. I sense things are already being moved. I hear the Lord saying, ‘I have answered, I will not forsake the prayers of the destitute, for those that call upon my name’. The coming days will be a season of major entrance. I sense that 2021 is going to be a season of multiplication of grace. It is a season of multiplication. This one year, the Lord will multiply the things that He has put in this house. It is a season for an abundant entrance.

(Isaiah 62:11) Salvation cometh to the daughter of Zion. The daughter of Zion is an offspring of the Zion experience. This is a full Christ. For salvation will not come until you are a daughter, that means you have been born to a degree of Zion. You have finished Christ learning and you have become a daughter, a choice of Zion. Daughters of Zion are precious before God and are appointed for blessing. What the daughter of Zion is looking unto is salvation. The work for the daughter of Zion is salvation. Salvation is the calling, salvation is the blessing. 

The Father’s cup is the blessing of Eternal Salvation. Salvation is the cup of the Father. The cup contains an incorruptible blessing. The work of the Father is His blessing and this blessing is the unveiling of salvation.

(Psalm 116:13) No one can take the cup of salvation except he is the daughter of Zion. You can’t partake of that incorruptible blessing if you are not a daughter of Zion. 

God doesn’t just bring light because He just wants to bring light. Our Father is benevolent. He can teach ahead of the season, but I am convinced that we have people that are ripe for this cup, that is why the light is coming. The calling is to partake of this cup. The reward is the name of God. The blessing is the name of the Father. There are things to be proclaimed to Zion. Zion has a walk to walk. These daughters of Zion are those that have obeyed Christ, they have fulfilled and obeyed the commandments and have become daughters. They are the finest cup of Zion. They have obeyed Christ to become the daughter of Zion. 

(Hebrews 1) God spoke to the fathers by prophets. These prophets are custodians of the speakings of God to fathers. These prophets are also fathers of a higher pedigree. It takes fathers to be able to hear the speakings of God. They are men that, by faith trainings, have entered God. Abraham had a kind of faith training for the everlasting. Faith trainings pierce the veil into the everlasting. These fathers have been raised. Abraham has a kind of most holy faith that can call everlasting blessing. These prophets are fathers that have been raised.

In the old covenant, there were everlasting men. Moses was the end of the kind of men that walked the earth. All those men were Genesis men that handled the everlasting testament. They were able to walk with God and they were able to have a kind of blessing that was everlasting.

Abraham walked with God to a point that Melchizedek blessed him and gave him substances or blessings that are a type of everlasting life. God is foreshadowing a reality that is typified in Christ. It took prophets to bring everlasting things to fathers.

Fathers make fathers. These prophets are fathers and are making fathers because fathers are custodians of the blessings. They are keepers and givers of blessings. If the Father doesn’t give, you can’t receive. You must qualify for the blessing. When Isaac blessed Jacob instead of Esau, Esau came back and Isaac said your brother has taken the blessing. This means it is not just words, something left Isaac, meaning words carry blessings. It is not simply prayer; it is a moving of substances. 

God has been foreshadowing everlasting things. The Son is the heir of all things of God, or all that the Father has (John 6). All things are things that make up and pertain to God. All things are the blessings of God. God has all things. Our Lord Jesus Christ was the first receiver of the blessing.

(Hebrews 1:3) There are two things that the Son of God is: He is the brightness of God’s glory and the express image of God’s person. Those are the things that make up the Son of God and those are the things that the Father gave Him. The image of the Son of God is the incorruptible inheritance.

What the Son received as a blessing is a nature: an image. It is an incorruptible nature, it is a nature that can not pass away. A nature that is incorruptible, undefiled, unfading, so the blessing that the Son of God received is the image of the Father. 

It will take a daughter of Zion, that has been raised by the faith of Christ to understand that the image of the Father is the blessing of the Father – being born of the Father’s incorruptible nature. This glory is what they put on the inheritance. (Hebrews 1:4) The name of the Lord is the excellent name. The excellent name is the reward of the blessing of the Father. 

What foreshadows this cup that we are about taking is a kind of fellowship that exists in the angelic world. 

When we see angels that carry excellent name, we understand that they are built up as things or entities of a kind of everlasting life. Angels are types of beings in the everlasting order. When God thinks of blessing, He thinks of everlasting life. When God wants to give everlasting life, He wants to give man things that make him up. That which makes Him enduring and last. The nature of God is durable. 

(Psalm 16:5) David knew the everlasting cup by revelation. When it comes to the blessings, we all have portions. (The Lord is my portion in the land of the living) – The living land is the first part in everlasting life. In everlasting life, you will live and you will abide. 

God has portions of inheritance for those that will partake of everlasting substances. (John 3:16) If you partake, you will be made everlasting, which is the blessing of the new covenant. The first part of the work is to stop perishing, that is why Christ is being given. Perishing is the beginning of the journey unto everlasting. To perish is to be corrupted. You can’t be ready for the incorruptible until they stop that which corrupts. Corruption cannot inherit incorruption. 

Christ is given to stop corruption. The summary of the faith of the Son is to stop perishing; to address corruption. It will take a soul that the laws of perishing have been hijacked or terminated to now begin to partake of enduring substances.

There are things that we have: envy, anger, covetousness etc. We know them because we have fellowshipped with them. God wants us to know everlasting life. God is preparing you for everlasting life. They give us life to prepare us for everlasting life. How can you give everlasting life to flesh? It will become everlasting flesh.

3rd Tongues & Interpretation

We are deep and we are deep. We are unveiling our realm to you even at this time. We are unveiling our realm to you, even our realm is a deeper realm. We are bringing things even from our depth. We are deep, we are deep and bringing deeper things unto eternal life, even things unto eternal life. We are bringing even the definition of ourselves, even the definition of ourselves. We are defining ourselves to you and we are raising the bar of what you are supposed to become and what you are supposed to have.

This is what we are supposed to have. We are deep and ready to unveil ourselves. Definition of what you are supposed to come into is coming. Try to unlearn that which you have and embrace our depth, even at this time, we will come deeper, and we are coming deeper. It is to unlearn you so that you can learn Christ and you can learn us. We are ready to unlearn your nature. We want to unlearn you. You will learn us until you become us.

(John 3:15 -16) The book of John is a witness of everlasting life. God’s intention for sending the Son is to give man everlasting life. 

The promise is eternal life and it is also the reward. You can’t come into the reward without handling the inheritance by works. Everlasting life is the inheritance of eternal life. We can’t have reward or eternal life until we handle the work. The work is the everlasting life and the reward is eternal life.

Man would have learnt everlasting life that it will become our work – as sin and death has become our work. We have done sin and death well, it has become the vocation of the natural man. We have entered into the day where perishing is being sealed with an everlasting corruption. Satan himself is a type of an everlasting cup, that is why we must not love the world or finish the curriculum of the world. If you finish the curriculum of this world, they would move you into the next cup, they will seal one’s soul in death. Satan wants man to perish to destruction so that man will be irrecoverable. The gospel is to give man a reward, however, a work must precede that. If God loves you, He will give you a work that will make you look like Him. You will not become like Him till you begin to engage in works.

Those works are commandments that cut everlasting covenants with a soul. Everlasting covenants are cut in degrees. You are being made incorruptible as you obey commandments in the everlasting order, that’s why we begin commandments in Christ. 

Everything about Christ is training. If you have not been faithful with Christ, if you cannot handle Christ well, you can’t handle everlasting life well. Covenants begin with Christ. The covenant of everlasting life is called ‘my covenant’ but when you are obeying Christ from faith unto charity, you are gradually cutting covenant of life and peace.

A soul that is not obeying commandments will not know what it means to have the experience of covenant cut with that soul. Covenant is cut by obedience. Sacrifice is obedience. It is in doing commandments that you are sacrificing. We are waiting to be commanded, that is how we cut covenant. We learn to hearken to commandments. If you can’t hearken, you can’t cut covenant. That is the order. 

The angelic world is a type of the everlasting. They also do a kind of commandment cutting in that realm. The highest beings of that realm are known by their ability to hearken to commandments. 

(Psalm 103 :16-20) Everlasting realm is an excellent realm. Jesus Christ excelled in strength in the days of his flesh. He was receiving commandments to excel in strength. 

Angels also excel in strength, they hearken to commandments. Our Lord Jesus Christ took that order into a different sphere. 

There are dead works and there are living works. There are works in Christ, there are works in everlasting life, and there are works in God. We have worked the work of sin and death, we will work the work of life everlasting.

When God created heaven and earth that was not His work, that was a type of His work. There is a work that He has been doing from the foundation of the world that man has not been raised enough to see it. God raised a Son that could sight the work of the Father. This work is a work of the day. The work of the Father is in the day. We cut covenants by commandments. 

4th Tongues & Interpretation

We open, we open, we open even the workings of the Father. We open this for you to see how the Father works, for you to see the works of the Father. I want you to see this work so that you can also do this work. For you are called to do a work, you are called to do a work when it is day. I want your feet to be hastened. I want you to see it so that you can do this work. For indeed, you are in a place. A place has been open unto you for you to do this work. Do it, do it, do it.

5th Tongues & Interpretation

Open, cause their eyes, cause their eyes to see, cause their eyes to see this work, cause their eyes to understand this work so that they can also do the work, so that they can also do this work. For I have also sent many many angels to interprete this work for them, even many angels to interprete this work for them. They are here, they are here, they are here to open it, they are here to unveil it. For the sheep must see this work, the sheep must see this work so that they can do this work. They must see, they must see and we’ve been sent even for them to see.

(Hebrews 10:7) There are protocols for cutting covenant. You can’t have everlasting life until covenant of everlasting has been cut with you; the blessings are attached to the covenants. We can’t know the Father’s blessings without the Father’s covenant – what unveils these covenants are His commandments.

The training is empowering man to do commandments. As we obey the commandments of Christ, we are brought into His blessings. The blessing of Christ is a godly man. If you do Christ well, you become godly. He is not an ordinary man, he has become a man that is precious in the sight of God. God can take such a man into the learning or training of everlasting life. Everlasting life has its own training, lot and obedience. 

Christ is fully godly; capped with a cap of peace. God loves us so He is giving light and understanding; He wants us to quicken our journey. There is grace to escape corruption. 

(Titus 1:1) This truth is the truth of Christ. There is also a truth in the everlasting life. There is a truth in the Father, it is the truth of everlasting life. This truth is after godliness. they cut covenant of Christ by truth. 

Christ embodies truth and when you obey that truth, they are gradually cutting covenants with you, to make you a godly man.

(Malachi 2:4-5) God gives us commandments and our blessing is attached to the commandments. The Father’s blessing has its own commandments as the blessings in Christ has its own commandments. They want to make Levi a priest and they must give Levi commandments and the book of Titus calls it truth; the truth that is in Christ. When you finish Christ, they will seal you with His name. When you become godly, you must not touch the unclean thing anymore. Then the Father can receive you to train you for everlasting life.

A godly man is a man that has not fellowshipped with the corruptible. He can be brought into everlasting things. There is a name attached to the covenant of life and peace, it is the name of Christ and that is the name of a godly man. It is a nature of the new man. That is the garment they want us to wear. They want us to be garmented by the new man – Christ. 

The commandments of Christ are empowered to take corruption out of us and seal us in peace. (Malachi 2:7) There are laws that must be taught that are for opening blessings of the Father,. (John 4) Christ is to prepare a soul for life everlasting. We do the works of Christ and perfect it on charity. (Psalm 133:3) The revelation of Christ is to sanctify us, making us become one with him.

(Hebrews 2:10-12) These sons here are sanctified sons that are to be brought into glory. The everlasting realm is a realm of glory. Sufferings are the byproduct of commandments. When you obey commandments as a part of forbearance, it is a suffering. If you can deny yourself, it’s not suffering. Sufferings are originated outside you. Obeying commandments generate suffering. It is the ability to obey God in spite of intense contradictions. Jesus is touched by the feelings of our infirmities. God is a just God. If His Son suffered, you will also suffer. 

The steps of Jesus are in the spirit. When you are suffering, you are entering into His steps. His sufferings were to bring Him into everlasting blessings. Suffering produces enduring things in men. There is no end to temptation. Even in the everlasting journey, there is temptation. 

Jesus perfected obedience by the things He suffered. Right in the midst of conflicts and contradiction, He excelled in strength. We are in that season where we will go through all kinds of contradictions. But the Lord will comfort and heal us. He will give us authority. He will make us comforters in the spirit (2 Corinthians 1:4). This is a kind of everlasting raising. God comforts us with life. Everlasting life will be a kind of comfort for those that have learnt and perfected obedience by suffering.

(Hebrews 2:11-13) The name of the Father is the blessing; it is salvation; salvation is a name, a blessing, a cup, an inheritance. 

(Hebrews 2:13) That heart is a heart ready for everlasting life. (Hebrews 2:13) I will put my trust in Him – this is the trust of the Father. We will do faith in Christ till we become children of God. This trust is a type of commandment. They entrust us with everlasting and enduring substances. The things of the Father are the things that bring His covenant to us. When we do His things, we are attracting Him to cut covenant with us. He doesn’t cut with flesh but with daughters of Zion- those that are called brethren. Flesh cannot be trusted with everlasting things.

(John 14:21) There are things the Father loves. Anyone that is Christ becomes a beloved of the Father. He will reveal Himself in a different way. When you finish Christ, you begin the calling. The calling is God. In the beginning, there is a kind of light that shines; you can’t get all the light at once. Everlasting things in their order are still coming. We have seen the first light of the everlasting. The Son of God comes with an understanding and this understanding must be increased. The journey in the most holy is from understanding to understanding. 

(John 14:23) Our abode is an everlasting abode. When God wants to build an everlasting abode in a man, that man ceases to become a man. God will only dwell in men that have become Melchizedeks: everlasting men. Melchizedek is a man but a type of man. He has been made as the son of God, things of man have been hijacked from him. In the most holy, there are still things of man that have to be hijacked. You will not become everlasting until things and records of man are hijacked from your blood. That realm is a realm of God. That realm is a realm of blood, where speakings are blood. You need speakings of blood to cancel blood natures in man. 

Nature and genes are stronger than tongues. There is a kind of work that must be done to cancel genes. It is an everlasting work. Death is a nature that man transfers through the blood. The Father does gene transplant. It is the realm of the Word of God. It is where they separate bones from marrow, where nothing of man remains, they want to make you a Melchizedek. Melchizedek is a title for everlasting men. They trained and trained them until they won titles in the spirit.

Commandments of everlasting life are making commandments. You can’t be made without commandments. The things the Father is saying are things that make. God cannot build everlasting things where the foundation is not sure. Christ is the one that makes it sure. If not, the Father cannot build on it.

(Isaiah 66:1) God’s house is a house of rest. That rest is the reward. God is the reward. The Father is the work and blessing for the reward. 

Revelations 21 and 22 is the beginning of the world to come. The wisdom of the faith of the Son is to take our eyes off perishable things. What is practical to flesh is vanity. They want to make Christ practical to us so we can see everlasting life as practical. There is a work attached to everlasting life.

A poor man is a man that is empty. He is not made by the things that are made. (Hebrews 4:12) The realm of the everlasting life is the quickening and powerful order. 

Christ must be saved. There are things that will take everlasting light to see (Hebrews 4:13). There are things we have but don’t know, that need everlasting things to be revealed. We have to do the Father as we have done Christ. Christ is that foundation. Everlasting building is only built on Christ foundation. If we can get it with Christ, if we are faithful, we will get it with the Father. 

(Isaiah 28:16) Zion is a mountain of a foundation for everlasting building. There is a kind of raising that must be built for all. Fathers cut covenants on mountains. The Father is a mountaineering Father. Christ must mount you up so that the Father can come and start building. The Father doesn’t build from the ground. 

The work in the most holy is a work of quietness and assurance. Fathers are still and calm; it is a sign of growth. Fathers don’t make haste, it is a nature of everlasting life. There is a righteousness of God revealed in Christ and there is the everlasting righteousness. The Father wants to do everlasting things because we are going through everlasting seasons. There is everlasting work and everlasting reward. Everlasting work is revealed as commandments to daughters of Zion. 

(John 4:34) Everlasting meat is for us to do everlasting will. This is the work. It is the finishing of this work that receives the Father’s blessings.

There are everlasting works of God inside Him. (John 6:29,46 John 5:29). It is the Father’s love that will give us the blessings of His cup and His love are revealed in commandments. This love is the righteousness of the Father. Everlasting things will be shown to us. What makes the Father is what He does. There are things He does that are not known. His work is concealed and is revealed to His son. He doesn’t reveal His work until Christ has raised you. God doesn’t show gentiles His work. In the realm of everlasting life, there are works. 

(Revelations 15:3) Moses was a kind of everlasting man. He wasn’t just Christ. They called him a servant of God. He has a song. This song is a testament. It is a type of everlasting song.

The Lord rolls in everlasting things given to man to turn man to everlasting. Secrets of everlasting life are in the prophets. The Father brings salvation by teaching, by doctrine, by revelations of righteousness.

The Father must be revealed. The mystery of the Father is more hidden than the mystery of Christ. Powers keep it. The Father makes you an entity that God can receive. John 6:47 – Jesus Christ here wasn’t speaking as Christ, He was speaking in the capacity of the Father. When you learn of the Father, you have everlasting life. 

(John 6:48) There is a food for fathers. As we have fed on Christ, we must feed on the Father. The Father too has a food that we may eat. (John 6:50) There is a thing about everlasting life that deals with death. Christ is not yet incorruptible so they must make Christ everlasting. When you are in that realm, death sees you and skips you. You are made formidable inside. There is a kind of light in the Father which death does not have the key. Death is corruption. There is a bread that you will eat and not perish, a bread that makes you remain.

Finish Christ, for everlasting bread is around you now. The life of the flesh is in the blood. There is something blood of everlasting covenant gives unto you. (John 6:52-54) The cup of the father has its own bread. (Psalm 23:5)– this table is a learning, a feast. What communicates everlasting life is a doctrine, a food, a meal. 

Knowledge and understanding is key to entrance into everlasting things. God has been waiting for a generation that can take everlasting life, it is a work of the last days. Everlasting covenant is in the blood of Christ. Jesus Christ did not just live, He abided. He finished the work; the first work of everlasting life and the last works. (Revelations 2:26) There are works to keep in everlasting life.

Don’t begin this everlasting meal and not finish it. We must finish it. (John 6:57-58) Everlasting bread is to give us everlasting life. (Isaiah 56:1-8) There are things to keep for salvation to come to us. There is a righteousness that will bring you into another righteousness to be revealed.

We must do Christ for everlasting righteousness to be revealed. (Isaiah 56:2) Sabbath is a rest. Everlasting commandments give you the blessings of the Father for the everlasting reward. We will be empowered by revelation and understanding to overcome evil. We will be blessed with so much light that we will be formidable to the evil one.

For you to be prepared for the everlasting reward, you would have been castrated from the ability to produce things after the order of the earth; you are an eunuch (Esther chapters 1 and 2).

May God not answer prayers that will take us out of the Father’s blessing. You give pleasure to the Father by doing His work. Everlasting covenants are given to those that please the Father; those that are doing His work. God has a house. (Isaiah 56:5) ‘I will give you a place and a name’. The place is the Father and the name is God, the reward. 

Don’t turn back from the everlasting meal! Don’t turn back from the everlasting day! Don’t turn back when the Father is speaking! God will raise a people that He will magnify everlasting life in. They will be a sign of a wonder to the world. God wants foundation to be spoken in these last days. This last time in the last days is a day of salvation. It is a day to make men partake of the blessings of God through the Father.

God will perfect a people, raise them as an end sign. That which the Lord has begun in us, He will finish.

5th Tongues & Interpretation

It is a calling, it is a calling. It is a calling that you are meant to partake of. It is possible, it is possible to partake even of this everlasting life. It is possible even in the days of your flesh. It is possible to partake of this nature; that is why I bring paintings concerning this. That is why I bring speakings concerning this realm. Do not say in your heart “how is this possible?” Do not say in your heart “how will these things be?” For you have been called to believe. You’ve been called even to believe, you have been called to keep believing. As you keep believing, you will see yourself changing. You will see your gene changing. You will see your nature changing. You will see your life changing. You will see all of your composition changing. You will see it change. You just keep believing. As you see it, do it, as you see it, do it, you will see changes. It is possible, It is a calling to come up hither, it’s a calling to up up hither. Come up, come up, come up.