Message (Pastor Laide)

1st Tongues & Interpretation

For indeed I have been sent down from heaven. I have been sent even from the heavenly to help. I have been seen even from heaven to break yokes. I have been sent to break many yokes. I am helping many, I am also helping the minister. I have sent help to you. I have sent help from heaven.

2nd Tongues & Interpretation

I open up a portal, I open up a portal, I open a portal, for indeed it is open. For the way to approach this portal is for you to come into the place of fear. It is a fearful season, so you need fearful dispensation, you need a fearful disposition. For the ground you’re stepping on is a fearful ground. I have sent things from heaven, things from my place, things from the place I am seated. I have sent things from the realm I am seated, so fear me, fear me.

3rd Tongues & Interpretation

For indeed I am here to ignite a new fire for your heart to begin to burn. Your heart will begin to pant, I’m sending the spirit of burning, even to your midst and even to your heart. You will burn, you will burn! That you would have divine encounters. Spirit of groaning, you will groan, you will stand even in the place of prayers. You will have new encounters, new encounters. It’s a Spirit of burning for there’s something I want to birth.

Message Begins

Doing the Works of Faith

We’re at the threshold of the spirit where the Lord is bringing things of great value to us. To say that the lord is not speaking will be a serious understatement. Heaven has deposited so much resources even for the advancement of His will.

Heaven is incapacitated by what men do or dont do. Heaven can not go over and beyond what we are positioned for. In many ways, man is the parameter that determines what the will of heaven can become on earth. Heaven has always and will always depend on the instrumentality of man to execute its ways. Beyond our preparation, availability and alignment, heaven cannot do its will upon the earth.

One thing that separates between our agenda and God’s are our will, thoughts and ways. That your heart is hard doesn’t mean God will not speak. He can just speak to you according to the frequency of your frame. Whatever state your heart is, the Lord will say something. (Hebrew 3:7-8) It is a terrible thing that the Lord has to condescend to our level and not be at liberty to speak freely at His height. The Lord coming low to speak to us according to the state of our heart, is the Lord being strongarmed into a position that will not set His will in motion.

The fearful thing is that, at every level of the speakings of God, it is possible for a person’s heart to be hardened.

We think that those that are not familiar with the speakings of God are the ones who harden their hearts. But, you can be familiar with the speaking of God so much and then conclude on the interpretation of His will and you are not open again unto Him. 

What constitutes religion is mostly what we have received from the Lord that we are not ready to let go in the face of His present speakings. And at every single point in the speakings of God, religion can emanate. It was not only in the wilderness that the people raised a calf that is not in sync with the revelation of the Lord. Even as they enter into the promise land, people can emanate what is an idol.

Our hearts have variously interpreted the revelations of the counsel of the Lord wherein we have sat and have comfort to stay, without pressing into the fullness of the revelation of GOD. We can even press into revelation but for the wrong reasons.

You can press and labour because of vain and carnal things. You are diligent because you are thirsty for breakthrough in the natural. And it can get so spiritual that we have holy ambition.  Ambition is ambition: the quest for preeminence. Ambition is what you want to achieve by all means; and deeply rooted in it is a quest of SELF.

What heaven typifies as hardness is a structure that cannot receive the speakings of God and align with it seamlessly. You can be following and your heart is still hardened, and it will eventually result  in offense.

(Mark 6:45- 52 Mark 8:10-21) Anytime there is a dichotomy of the speakings of heavens and a misinterpreting in hearts, it’s because of a hardness. Anytime heaven is speaking and we come to a different conclusion, it is because something is wrong with our hearts.

Jesus was speaking to his disciples, warning them of something very important. He was telling them of how the leaven of the Pharisee is subtle, they look like people thirsty for the kingdom but what they truly want is something aside from GOD.

These leavens are leavens that can make you arrive at a false conclusion.They look spiritual, but what they actually want is something other than the kingdom. They use the power of God, but they come to a different end other than God, because of the state of their hearts.

But immediately Jesus spoke to His disciples, they thought He was just talking of bread. Then something arose in His heart, and asked them why their thinking is far from His. Their thoughts are far from the dispensation of His heart. And because of that, the manifestation of God’s will would not reach the face of the earth. That means they hardened their hearts by themselves: “Their hearts have they hardened…”

It takes deliberate effort to come to any conclusion. We can allow some strains of thoughts in our hearts, we can also disallow strains of thoughts in our hearts. Many times we give way to strains of thoughts that are most compatible with the things that are around us, things that we have fellowshipped with. Hardly will be able to think beyond and above what he is used to.

What we know forms the boundaries of our imagination. But within those boundaries, we can arrive at different conclusions and interpretation of what comes to us. So also in the spirit, when knowledge is coming to us, it forms the boundaries of our thoughts, opinions, and alignment. Within those boundaries, we reserve the will to come to conclusions.

Spirits can not influence you beyond the level of your knowledge. Paul said “I did not know covetousness until the law said I should not covet. Sin took that law and slew me”. So also the knowledge of light. When some standard of righteousness is not revealed, we cannot labor to receive it. Even though spirits can push us to covetousness, we reserve the power to come into agreement with that Spirit and walk in death. Walking with the conclusion contrary to what God is saying limits the operations of God. When we come to conclusions about what God is saying, it is a frame that limits the workings of the operation of God.

Hardening our heart is taking a different frame other than what the Lord is speaking. We can come to conclusions in our heart that are lower than what heaven is saying. We can want what heaven is wanting but for different reasons. That’s why heaven must raise us to reason at the frequency of heaven such that our thoughts, intent and purposes are aligned 100% according to what is required in every season.

For example, the Lord is giving the knowledge and the revelation of His Father. But have you asked yourself why? What is heaven trying to give? What does heaven want to achieve with this? What are the requirements to adequately align?

Are we just excited that we have another edge over people whenever a knowledge is being given to us? 

For many of the disciples, Jesus was healing, multiplying, but they never saw the essence or the purpose. They were just excited about it being new. And immediately it passed, it became history.

For instance, what is heaven pointing to for healing? What are the thoughts of heaven behind the quest for healing? Our eyes can be opened for the wrong reason, yet, we are still disjointed from His will.

(Matthew 16:13-21) In the midst of our revelation we have totally forgotten alignment. Sometimes, revelation to us is something that gives us an edge in the spirit and not that it works in alignment with us to synchronize with the will of the Father.

God’s purpose is one, not two. He doesn’t have two agenda upon the face of the earth. And God is only in the business of souls. (1 Timothy 2:3-4) God doesn’t have any other business upon the face of the earth than for man to be saved and come to the knowledge of truth.

Whatever God is doing upon the face of the earth, it is tied to one thing – salvation. Souls coming to light and knowledge of the truth. God’s involvement in nations is to bring souls to light and increase in the knowledge of truth.

The work of redemption is the giving of God’s Son for the purpose of bringing us out of something and bringing us into another thing. If we don’t achieve that, Jesus’ sacrifice is a waste. We were redeemed to be brought into the incorruptible.

If you were not redeemed with gold and silver, then your end should not be gold in value. If what I paid for you is corruptible, then your value is corruptible. (1 Peter 1:18-19) If it is not corruptible, that means that what they paid for your redemption is actually the place where you should be. 

The investment of heaven over heavenly treasures is heavy. (Romans 8:18, 1Timothy 6:17) It is not only the giving of the son that is given as the material for our redemption, Ha has also given us many things and part of them is angelic ministrations. He gave His son in His death, and in His life and all the angels in heaven. Why will heaven give so much investment? (Hebrews 1:14) Heaven did not invest in this for you to play church or get more money. 

(Roman 8:34) To whom much is given, much is required. God means business, and this business is soul appreciation. That is, for souls to respond to Him. (Hebrews 6:7-8) God is not just giving things without expectations, He is a wise and disciplined investor. (Hebrews 2:10) He gives for something in return. He has an end in mind that many sons will rise. God’s gift is tied to His expectation.

So, He comes periodically to inspect. For every blessing that heaven sends, it expects commensurate returns in response. There are measures of response that are commensurate to the investment of heaven. With the light of the Holy Ghost, there is response and there is a measure.

First in the work of righteousness and the labour in the working on souls, there is a subtle walk. It is an aberration when you’re working in light and you don’t want others to walk in light. Your light is not real, it is fake. It is wrong. If you have truly found light, you first walk in it as an evidence – walk in the truth that you’ve found. The overwhelming desire to walk in the truth that you have found is the first response, but not the only one, to God.

In every giving of truth, there has to come a commensurate hunger and labour to walk in truth. If the knowledge of truth is not birthing a yearning, then the heart is wrong even when there’s a manifestation. The life of Christ must mean more than Holy Ghost manifestation.

If God is blessing us, the first evidence is that lives are getting closer to Him and our walk is getting purer. Hearts will respond more to God. The first fruit of the blessing of God is our response to God. With the coming of the Holy Ghost comes a season of prayer, a thirst for more of God.

One of the things that will show that we’re entering into God is that a greater burden in the spirit is put in our heart. If the knowledge of God that we claim to be craving for does not soar us to a place of prayer, a purer walk, more intimacy with the Holy Ghost, then something is wrong with our heart.

God’s word cannot be coming and we are getting farther away from Him. If more light is coming, then more yieldedness and more response to heaven is required. If we are receiving knowledge and it’s not birthing a hunger in our soul, a yearning for God, then we’d rather die!

Our walk is being purified by the light of truth. If we miss this, our heart is not right. It means we’re not in alignment with the will of heaven.

Together with the unveiling of the things of the spirit in this season, are tied the burden of the counsel of God. Because God is giving the knowledge of the Father, then God will birth fathers that will birth these things. One hallmark of fathers is that they can birth things. Fatherhood is the source. 

There is a reality of our inheritance, but there’s a proportion of walk. The understanding of eternal life will come to us, but it will produce a walk in us. We will not just understand mysteries, but the mystery will produce a lifestyle that will produce a light. If we are hungry for understanding, we should be thirsty for manifestation. We should also be thirsty for what measures of alignment it means in the natural. Alignment in thoughts, words and deeds. With greater knowledge and understanding, greater light to help live a constrained life comes (James 1:19-20).

Heaven’s ROI, that is return on investment, is calibrated to the degree of response of a soul back to it. (James 1:22-25) Don’t be hearers alone but also doers! For every word, there is a work. (James 1:25) For every word that is heard, there is a work to be done. And the wise hearer looks for the work in the Word. The work is the labour that aligns you with divine thoughts.

Even in the hearing of faith, there is a work. The work of God is to believe in Him that was sent – believing is a work (John 6:29) because we may hear and not believe. When we have heard, we underline all the work that is embedded. We now put tabs on them because we don’t want to be forgetful hearers. Then we begin to labour before God.That is a fruit of our believing, an evidence that we believe this word is from God.

There are many people who follow Jesus for fish and bread but never thirsty to come into alignment with divine thoughts, and it can happen to any of us. One of the hallmarks of this generation is that they will have itchy ears. How do you know that you have itchy ears? It is that you are more eager to hear than to do! (2 Timothy 4:3)

There is a burden that God is requiring of this generation, and the speakings of God the Father in this season is actually attuned for men to come into this alignment to see the will of God birthed. The truth of God being given this season is for us to come into a degree of fellowship being given.

Many of us have not seen the preciousness of souls, even ours. A man doesn’t mind gaining the whole world and losing his own soul (Mark 8:36). God is trying to make us esteem the value of our souls, if by implication, we may begin to understand the value of every soul before God.

When scriptures say “love your neighbor as yourself”, loving yourself is coming into proper appreciation of what God has wrought in you. This is how you can love your neighbour as yourself. Loving yourself, is actually hating yourself. Loving yourself in God’s lingua is not to pamper self. “Those that love pleasure in this world are twice dead”…(Jude 1:12). Scriptures don’t forbid you from using the things in this world. Use pleasure, don’t love it. Understand that it passeth away. If you love it, you live in it. Loving yourself according to God’s commandment is first coming into the fullness of what God sees you as and wants you to be. It is only then you can properly and fully love someone else. 

Moses preferred to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin (Hebrews 11:24-26). Some people’s love can kill us, because they themselves don’t understand what love is. It is love that orchestrated our paths first. It is a great privilege to walk in the ways of the Lord. A man that hasn’t known what love truly is or understands the dichotomy of what God has laid over a soul cannot love another soul.

There is an expectation of heaven for the giving of His word. And our alignment is pivotal to what we call entrance. There are degrees of entrance. The first and most rudimentary level of entrance is understanding. That you could comprehend what the minister of the Word is saying is the first breakthrough of entrance, but that is not the only level of entrance that is required for every Word that you hear. A man can excel in the place of understanding, but when pressure comes, he doesn’t understand to that point. We can pray for entrance and stop at the entrance of understanding.

(Matthew 13:3-23, 2 Peter 1:10-11) Another level of entrance was the one that fell among thorns. Many are at this level, where in their heart loves the Word, but then there is the inability to convert the word into a fruit of life. 

Entrance should not just be a thing of understanding. Beyond that point of understanding, satan fights that place. The place of understanding the Word is a major point of entrance. So, after you have understood, satan raises contradictions and persecutions because of the Word. Overcoming these, he brings comfort. But many that come into abundant entrance are the ones that are able to yield to the Word.

(2 Peter 1:8) So, if we are praying for entrance, we’re also praying for fruitfulness to bear the full measure of fruit that heavens require. We combine all the forces of affliction, all the nutrients blessing from heaven. The understanding, the contradictions that are being worked by the Word, are geared to make us able to yield fruit. Otherwise we will rejoice in the Word but we will not move with the Word.

(Isaiah 55:11, Romans 8:28) Understanding the Word that is spoken is a seed, it is not a fruit. Despite the fact that the understanding has come, there is a process of conversion that makes me relate with the external and internal forces to generate the fruit. By just having a mental perception of what the word says doesn’t mean we are fruitful – it is a raw material. In spite of that, heaven is still looking for fruits. 

(Romans 8:26-30) Before everything works together for good, there is a synthesis process in the place of prayer. The place where we synthesize everything together is in the place of prayer. We cannot say all things are working together for good. The power that makes all things work for good is the SYNTHESIS. No matter the level of understanding we have, if we’re not given to prayer, we will not produce fruits. Nothing spiritual happens on earth without a spiritual push. Even those that have breakthroughs in understanding, did it by labour. 

If you see a people that knowledge is coming to, and they are not given to prayer, they would start losing the steam. They can have the Word but the essence of life is missing. Holding on to a belief is different from walking in a belief. Holding on to an understanding is different from walking in it. Faith without works is dead. What are you using the knowledge of your belief to do? 

(James 2:18-22) Has your faith produced any commensurate walk that heaven can harvest from? Has it produced a response? A path that souls can journey together to know more of God. Has it produced a purer and more intimate walk to journey to God? If it hasn’t, it is mere knowledge. There is a walk that God is requiring of all of us. 

Many of those with lesser light ran more faithfully with it than we are doing. Great responsibility is hanging upon our necks. It is as if the faith of the earth hinges upon the truth the Lord has committed to us.

We can make alot to happen with the light of the knowledge of truth that the Lord has given unto us. But some of us are bereft of desire. The end of God is not in sight. The knowledge that has come, has it birthed an upward migration first for us, and second, for every single person who has benefitted from it? Every single streak of light must rebound in greater migration upward. Every single opportunity must revert in greater opportunities before God. 

Have you grown in the desire for Jesus much more than when light came? Have you desired the movement of souls at every and any course to Him? Have you grown in your desire for Jesus much more than before light came?

If all that we are experiencing will only make us shout in this moment and immediately we depart, we forget all, that is emptiness. Can you hold the Word in spite of contradictions and not leave it? Can you harness the power of pressure and every blessing around to make sure that the investment of heaven is not wasted?

When we have been victorious in that the Word is spoken to us, that is where the labour starts. Labouring for utterance, that is, for the Word to be spoken, is prework. We must have greater hunger than just mental apprehension. And if we don’t pray, we’re a people that won’t walk. Our goal is not for you to explain all mysteries, but for you to walk in the light, to labor in truth. If we are just excited at the level of understanding, and the blessings that are coming, we can become confident.

To be able to profit beyond this season, we must understand that words are just the planting season. To prosper is beyond that. May our hunger and yearning be beyond hunger for speakings. To prosper and keep prospering, we must know that it is beyond understanding. May the yearning of our souls thrive beyond just understanding.

There is a fruit of our knowledge that heaven is waiting for beyond ability to combine scriptures.  It is obedience to the thoughts and intents of heaven. We are able to generate more response to heaven, and in dispensation, everyone that is around us is able to benefit from it if we walk in what we understand. 

If God will reach out to this generation, if the light of God’s knowledge will break through, then the hunger for entrance must be beyond mental apprehension.