9th of October, 2022. 

TEXT:   Deuteronomy 8:3; Isaiah 30:21; Romans 8:14; Ecclesiastes 6:3 


By God’s grace, in our last lesson, we began considering two unique expressions of the leading of the Spirit, “Objective and Subjective leading of the Spirit of God”, being the two categories of leadings through which all the 4 types of the leadings of the Spirit of God can be manifested. 

Subjective Leadings of The Spirit of God (Deuteronomy 8:3) 

Subjective leadings of the Spirit as the name implies, are leadings that the soul of one whom is being initiated into the wilderness of Christ is arranged/compelled/guided/dealt-with/subjected-into for the purpose of EXPOSING THE LIFE AND NATURE OF SIN THAT IS IN THE SOUL, TO REMOVE AND PURGE THE LIFE AND NATURE OF SIN OUT OF THE SOUL, AND TO CULTURE THE LIFE, WISDOM, WAYS AND LAWS OF GOD INTO THE SOUL (Deuteronomy 8:2-3). 

Put another way, subjective leadings of the Spirit are leadings unto the salvation of the soul. Such leadings are initiated by the sovereign power of God, in many cases without seeking the permission of the person/people being led. Subjective leadings are purely and totally for the purpose of our souls to inherit the Life of God, and the things of the World to Come! All the Patriarchs of Hebrews 11 were all led through the Subjective Leadings of the Spirit of God (Hebrew 11:1-2). 

The all-important agenda of God (1Tim 2:4, Rev 10:7, 11:15) 

There is what is known as the agenda of God, which spans across human lifespan, generations, dispensations even testaments. It is the reason the lamb was slain from the foundation of the world. It is also the reason for which the dead human spirits were recreated (both those that are now recreated and all those who have ever been or will ever be). This agenda is far beyond the minor deliverances we experience as we do well in the objective leading of the spirit. Subjective leading seeks to align the saint with this agenda IN THE DAYS OF HIS FLESH! Many a saint would be subjected to this expression of the leading and the Lord would very much have a generation that will align completely with this agenda. 

Subjective Leadings: Leading for to die 

The fear of death and all things pertaining to it has all but crippled man’s progress in things pertaining to God. Consequently, we have been wired to reject anything perceived to be at variance with our survival or the preservation of the life we have. Subjective leading is designed by God for to save us from the life that we have been sold to by the enemy (Mk 9:24, Jn 12:25) – in truth that form of life is destined to go, and the burden of the Lord is for us not to perish with that life. Subjective leading is the intervention of the Lord in our downward spiral into destruction (Prov 14:12). Man would never choose the path of Subjective Leading because it is not within the things of man, rather it is to deliver man from his things, and thus make him able to receive God’s things. 

Man’s things to a large extent remain intact under objective leading. However, when a saint is put under subjection by the spirit of God, he is taught to de-emphasise man’s things and prioritize the things or the agenda of God. 

Slain to receive (Rev 5:11-12) 

Flesh and blood which is the domain of man and his things CANNOT inherit the kingdom of God (1Cor 15:50). In order to transform man (a saint) from flesh to an entity suited for the inheritance of the things of God, such a one needs to be detached from fleshly existence. This can only be achieved by being subjected to operations of the Spirit, and this operation would typically not wait for the complete agreement of the subject party. This also is the only way to truly access the mighty power of God (the POWER OF RESURRECTION)! 

Trusting God when you cannot trace Him (Job 13:15,24) 

In the season of subjective leading, all may seem dark, and one could at times feel abandoned! This is because subjective leading is mainly targeted against the nature in the soul that is naturally against the life of God, by prioritizing itself. 

Under such dealings, it might (MIGHT) be difficult to hear the voice of your spirit because of the noise that your soul is making (in the process of reconfiguration). At times, God may not even speak! However, a good grounding in the beginning courses of salvation makes it such that in these all-important seasons, we are able to obey the Lord. 

Some examples of subjective leadings in scriptures are as follows: 

  1. The leading of Abraham from Ur of the Chaldees to the promised land (Gen 12:1) 
  2. The leading of Moses out of Egypt (Ex 2:15) 
  3. The leading of the Israelites to the promised land (Deut. 8:1-3) 
  4. The leading of John to the wilderness until the time of his appearance to Israel (Lk 1:80) 
  5. The leading of Jesus to the wilderness by the Holy Ghost (Matt 4:1) 
  6. The leading of Paul to suffer at Jerusalem (Acts 21:10-14) 

This kind of leading is common when the Lord wants to save the soul and bring such a soul to the arena of inheriting everlasting life. May we never be empowered against subjective leading. AMEN!