TEXT: Romans 1: 15-31, 1Timothy 4:1-3, 2Timothy 3:1-5


In our last study, we learnt that the root cause of the LGBTQ scourge is ignorance, caused by the blindness of the heart. This happened because men refused to worship and glorify God in their hearts even when they knew Him as the creator of male and female. They refused to retain God in their mind/knowledge so God gave them up to vile and debase nature. In today’s study we shall further look at the root cause of homosexuality. 

The Root Cause of Homosexuality/LGBTQ+ (Cont’d) (Romans 1:19-22)

 We all agree that the only recognized genders under God’s sovereignty are – Male and Female. Nobody was born LGBTQ+ neither was any being created as such! There is therefore a need to look into the scriptures to know why there are people who indulge in (and defend or excuse) homosexual practices.  It is good to note that there are two principal factors behind LGBTQ+ and all other sexual perversions and these are works of the old man and activities of fallen spirits. 

God Gave Them Up! 

The divine hand of God holds every human (believers and unbelievers) in safety from total hostile takeover by Satan. This is done through the things that are revealed in them (male and female), i.e., the knowledge of God in men. This knowledge is the very hand of God through which He keeps men from slipping into total darkness. God gives men unto vile nature once this knowledge is rejected. 

God gave men up to uncleanness, vile affection and reprobate mind when they refused His knowledge in them (Romans 1: 24,26 and 28). These LGBTQ+ natures and stance are outflows of fallen angels who desire to have men at all cost.  

We should understand that man was created to stay under superior beings. We can never be free in our thoughts or manner of life because they are determined by invisible forces. So, LGBTQ+ is a sign that a soul is being governed by spirits who are vile, unclean and reprobate in nature. 

LGBTQ+ is a result of activities of evil spirits upon and within men whom God has given up or removed divine restrains from, because of their unwillingness to submit to Him or acknowledge Him as the creator of male and female. 

How LGBTQ+ Nature is Cultured (Eph 2:1-5) 

God, in His meekness and humility, created man and gave him the opportunity to make a choice between good and evil (Deut. 30:15). He also left man with knowledge of how to choose to remain within the confines of safety. God will respect our choice after His truth is revealed in us. LGBTQ+ is an alien nature, cultured and formed by evil spirits, in and upon men who chose not to worship and thank God, and them that do not like to retain God in their knowledge. 

LGBTQ+ is an unnatural expression of the old man’s nature rooted and driven by vile and inordinate affections. Homosexuality thrives through lust that does not align with nature, it disregards the orderliness God set in creation. This makes it a deadly sin that should not be taken for granted. We should know that man’s greatest blessing and undoing is the ability to change to whosoever/whatsoever he decides to change into.

 There are three basic processes by which LGBTQ+ natures are formed in a Man (Eph. 2:1-5; 4:17-19.) 

1. By the knowledge (course) of this world generated from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil: The devil push teachings (doctrines) as the course of this world. He teaches men with medical and scientific evidence that they were born gay (we should know that every other knowledge under the sun can be manipulated by fallen spirit). 

2. This knowledge is taught and monitored by fallen spirits for the formation of nature: Adam through disobedience mortgaged the earth to Satan. Satan took over the “air” – the spiritual realm of the earth from where the soul and mind of man fetch inspiration and thoughts.  

The thought of homosexuals and homosexuality were first invented and pushed into mankind by Satan to attack God’s image and likeness on earth. He pushes untold pleasures as benefits but hides his agenda of blasphemy from men. 

3. Obedience to the tutelage of these evil spirits: Nature is finally formed when one yields his members to the knowledge learnt. Evil spirits will not rest until their nature is formed in men and they will do everything to make sure this nature remains. 

Note: Nature is acquired through learning and practicing what is learnt (Eph 2:1-3). 

Expressions of Homosexuality: A Case Study of Sodom and Gomorrah

 Homosexuality and its variants are expressions of a wicked nature (Gen 13:13-14, Gen 19:1-6, Judges 19:15-24). Genesis 13:13 KJV: “But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly”.  

The first gay community in the Bible was Sodom. The Lord would have spared Sodom from destruction if He could find 10 righteous men in there (Gen 18:32) unfortunately all the men in Sodom (both young and old) were practitioners of homosexuality! (Gen 19:4-5). All had been taken. All the men lusted for the strangers that visited Lot, to forcefully have sex with them. This nature is called wickedness (Gen 19:7). They rejected Lot’s daughters who were virgins and went after strange flesh. 

We will all agree that these men were not born so. God will not be a righteous judge to destroy them if they were. Rather, they were cultured by obeying their fallen nature and submitted under the leadership of fallen angels. LGBTQ+ is a nature that can be unlearned, and the body can be retrained by the word and by submitting to the leading of the Spirit. 

Two Predominant Natures or Expressions of Homosexuals (Gen 19:1-6 & Judges 19:15-24)  

Two things are predominant in both of our case studies in the portions of scripture referenced above. The homosexuals were wicked and forceful. These two natures are some of the core characteristics of the LGBTQ+/homosexual spirit. They may have a gentle look and a nice demeanor, but this inherent nature of wickedness and forcefulness is embedded in them, and these natures will find expression when the homosexual spirit is confronted.  

Two Kinds of LGBTQ+ Recipients (Rom 1:31-32) 

1. The Influencers: These are footstools of Satan in different generations which he uses to propagate this debased ideology. They are usually men and women who are advantaged in the natural. They open the gate of hell over a nation or community for this abhorrent nature. These men are inventors of evil things and haters of God. 

2. Those Under the Influence: Satan raises men as stars and preachers of his ways to bring other men in their thousands under the influence of their ideologies. They lead weak men into captivity of their thoughts. Some people who are practitioners of the LGBTQ+ ideologies, in all fairness, are victims of spiritual pollution in their communities. Some have been cheated by their leaders and government from knowing God. Under these categories also are sympathizers and supporter who claim to be straight or binary but support sexual fluidity.  

Note: In both cases above, God is willing to forgive those who come unto Him in repentance (1Cor 6:9-11). 

Departure from Faith through Doctrine of Devils and Seducing Spirits (1Timothy 4: 1-3) 

LGBTQ+ is a product of doctrines of demons and seducing spirits. They teach men to forbid marriage.  Many believers can fall victim of LGBTQ+ ideologies if the knowledge of God is not taught. To forbid marriage is to break the ordinance of male and female, and sexual relationship between man and woman (in marital union). 


Take heed! We as believers can believe a lie that is been taught, and attested to, by evil spirits that: Some men or women are born LGBTQ+ 

– Christianity is meant to show love and not to condemn this evil thing. 

– All sins are the same, etc. 

It is good to note that LGBTQ+ is an acquired nature peddled by evil spirts and this can be unlearnt. Nobody was born LGBTQ+