TEXT:  Genesis 1:26-30, Romans 1:24-26 


In our last lesson, we learnt by the grace of God that homosexuality and other forms of sexual perversion are weapons of destruction in the hand of Satan against God-ordained institutions on earth. These institutions are raised by God as platforms through which He can reach the earth. We saw that the nations will be engulfed with sexual perversion once marriages are wrongly defined. We also saw more importantly that the homosexual spirit is an antichrist spirit that deny the relationship between Christ and the church. In today’s lesson, we shall properly look into homosexuality as a broad topic. 

Some Expressions of Homosexuality in Today’s World  

Homosexuality is a sexual aberration and deviation from God’s ordained gender identity (Gen 1:27). Marriage is a union between a man and a woman ordained for fruitfulness and companionship (Gen 2:24). 

Homosexuality for the purpose of this study includes L (Lesbians = physical/sexual attraction between a woman and another woman), G (Gay = physical/sexual attraction between a man and another man), B (Bisexual= physical/sexual attraction between a man or a woman to both genders), T (Transgender = those who decide to tamper with their sexual, bodily and facial anatomic appearance to reflect those of another gender, different to their birth gender), and Q (Questioning = someone who is currently questioning their God given sexual orientation or gender identity, despite evidences from their birth gender). 

What exactly is wrong with Homosexuality and other sexual perversions?  

  • It is against God’s ordinance and plan when He created man in His image and likeness. God, in His wisdom, created them male and female and saw that it was good. God, the only wise one, who brought forth the idea called man created them male and female. If He felt it would be good, He could have created them same sex or in diverse variations of sexes. No, He didn’t! Rather, He created Adam and Eve (just two different sexes). 
  • God has a purpose and He created man in His image and likeness for His purpose, which is for fruitfulness and multiplication (Gen 1:26-30) 
  • Homosexuality and other sexual perversion are based solely on feelings (Eph. 4: 17-19). We all agree that sexual perversion is a result of the fall. The core nature of all sexual immorality is feelings and when such is practiced without moral barrier, it goes past feeling to unnatural and debased feelings. Homosexuals build their sexual orientation and conviction on feelings and not based on the reality of their natural endowments – which was carefully and thoughtfully inputted in them by God. Humans are not products of feelings but of faith. Much more as Christians, our convictions are based on the reality of God’s word! Hallelujah! 

The Natural vs The Unnatural Use (Romans 1:24-26) 

  • Natural use: Using a thing for the purpose for which it was created (e.g., using the leg to walk, mouth to eat, or using the five senses). 
  • Unnatural but not harmful: Using a thing for activities different from what it was created for but not socially or spiritually harmful (e.g., the use of earrings on the earlobes, necklace around the neck, using the leg and head for sports etc.).  
  • Unnatural and wrong (spiritually, medically, psychologically): e.g., homosexuality, transgender, cross dressing, transspecies, transability, etc. 

Nobody was Born with any variation of LGBTQ+ (Romans 1: 26-27) 

It is good to note that the LGBTQ+ ideology is a deliberate attempt by humans to cooperate with evil spirit knowingly or unknowingly. Scriptures affirm that humans were the ones who did “the changing”. Women did the changing of their natural use into that which is against nature. And the men also left the natural use of women into that which is against nature. LGBTQ+ is a deliberate action against nature. 

  • What is nature (or natural) in the relationships between humans?   

Homosexuality disobeys the law of natural selection. The male was naturally created to be attracted to the female and vice versa, and this is the natural path (Gen 2:23). LGBTQ+ ideology violates the Creator’s intention for creating the two genders. Particularly, for the purpose of fruitfulness and multiplication (bearing after their kind – Male and Female). 

  • The woman was for the man (1Cor 11:8-11) 

God created the woman for the man as a help meet (helpmate) and this is natural. Any other arrangement is against nature.

Who has the right to determine my sexuality and gender identity?  (Ps 139:13-18) 

God is wiser than man (1Cor 1:25) Neither is He a scientist who experiments things before coming to conclusions. Man is not a product of inventions. Man was carefully and thoughtfully created. So, God cannot make mistake with the original sexual identity we all have from birth. To change our sexual identities or drop the natural use of same is to question God’s sovereign will and His intelligence in creation.  

Our parents, family, country of birth etc., are carefully chosen by God for a purpose beyond the natural man’s thinking and much more our gender identity was carefully selected and allocated to each man, by God’s sovereign will. We do not have right to choose any of these. We are made to align under divine choice and follow the natural use of our sexual endowment (from birth). 

What are the two God ordained Genders?  

The scriptures speak of two different God-created genders from the beginning (Gen 1:26-27, Mathew 19:4). These genders are male and female. With both possessing unique genitals (sexual organs and sexual parts) that work hand-in-hand with their God given gender identity. These genitals or organs work together with our God ordained gender (male and female) to fulfill His purpose as detailed in Gen 1:26-28. 

Each gender has unique feelings and emotions created by God that work with specific nerves and hormones, that work in synergy with specific genitals to fulfill the ultimate will of God. All these are specially arranged and put in place to work for God’s purpose and eternal plan. 

CONCLUSION It is good to note that nobody was born LGBTQ+ or any other diverse variation of gender orientation being pushed in today’s world. The advent of the LGBTQ+ agenda is (and should be seen as) a cooperation between fallen men and evil spirits, who seek to blackmail God through sexual activities.