Bearing the burden of the Father

Just like Jesus Christ, God is raising sons and daughters in the heart of Ikorodu, to fulfil His purpose. Join this army God is raising, for the purpose of salvation.

Welcome to The New and Living Way Church, Ikorodu

Don't Settle for anything less!

We are thrilled to have you here.

God is interested in you. He wants you to inherit His glory. He wants you to lay hold on Eternal life. God’s life cannot be compared with anything of the present. So you need to go after Him. You need to pant after His glory. That’s the best investment you can ever embark upon!
We love you from our hearts. Don’t settle for anything less.
God bless you!

Pst. Emeka & Pst. Lilian Egwuchukwu
Senior Pastors, NLWC

pst laide pst rose

God wants you!

He wants to be a major part of your life.

God is raising sons and daughters strengthened and revitalized by the Truths found in God’s word and He longs to make you one of them

Men whose souls have been rescued from the pursuit of vanity. God desires a people who willingly surrender their will to embrace the Father’s purpose. They are a yielded and nurtured people, fostering the reign of God’s kingdom in the land. These are men and women who staunchly defend against the adversary, paving the way for the return of Jesus.

Our Journey—from faith to charity


An unrelenting desire to live daily by the Faith of the Son of God, who loved us, and gave Himself for us.
Galatians 2:20



We seek the hope of Eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began.
Titus 1:2


And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness.
Colossians 3:14

Fellowship with us at our meetings!

Starts with Sunday School - 8am every Sunday
8am every Sunday
6pm every Wednesday


Sithrah holds every 2nd Saturday of every month

Season of the Spirit

Season of the Spirit is held in every Sunday in February 

House Fellowships…

Enjoy a warm and homely atmosphere with other believers at our weekly house fellowships.

Our Mission…

To grow day by day in the knowledge of God and of His Son, Jesus Christ, and to fully inherit the promise of ‘Eternal Life’ as we journey through life.